

What is Africa’s biggest challenge in terms of building global business brands?

Africa by nature is the leading naturally riches continent, but for artificial factor's seek, Africa has fast become the poorest of poor. To my candid opinion, Africa's Leadership is the strongest holdback for Africa's economic global inclusure. To think that no matter the terms and conditions for a Businesses, the most vital most important point which is hardly ever mentioned on paper is what Africa lacks the most. TRUST African leadership is not trust worthy at all levels. Africa's leadership has a permanent none reconciliable virus called Trust Issues eating down from the political leaders to the grass roots. How can we even mention Limited fundings and inability to provide required information and necessities for global Business brands Globally speaking, when our African Business owners, especially 1 and 2 decades backward are yet to understand the parameters instituted globally to grow a globally accepted Business brand? Africans who make up the leading population are so unteachable, the most they know how to learn and actually execute is greed and selfishness. We need to be more informed than getting excited. We must enquire and learn daily how the global marketplace works. The global marketplace has her language, if you most go global, you most study and understand the global market language. By language I'm not talking about English or French, but the way things are done globally. Things are done clearly, with faithfulness and above all dependability from all parties. My question then goes thus, Is Africa's policies dependable or are they looking up to God on the last day? Many will mention points of unfavorable funding conditions, climate change, terrorism, business registration issues, marginalisation at the international levels. This is also true a fact but what is the cause of all the above mentioned. Poor Governance.

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