

What motivated you to venture into Communication Engineering?
A family friend who was an Electronics Engineer counseled me and told me that with Electronics Engineering, I could be self employed, so branched out into Electrical and Electronics Engineering for my first degree. Upon graduation, I picked up a job with the Federal Polytechnic Idah and   my HoD asked me to join him in teach Electronics courses. When i went for my masters degree, the options available were either Electronics / Telecommunication  or Power systems. I went for Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering because of the passion i had in design and development of electronic systems. I narrowed down into Communication Engineering when i went  for my PhD because i wanted to solve the problem of access to communication services. I          wanted   to develop solutions that would enable rural dwellers have access to telecommunication services by extending those services to rural areas. I ended up developing a low cost transceiver for my PhD and have been involved in Communication engineering since then.
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