Toluwanimi Jewel A Doctor @ Hospital in Melbo...
city Melbourne June 2, 2021, 11:27 a.m.
Good day sir. That was a timely reminder of our privilege and duty towards the next generation. I would like to know what you think about ADHD in the Nigerian child as I see a lot of neglect in the paediatric psychiatric sector. Specifically, what measures are there to diagnose, manage and cope with the condition. Thank you sir.
2 Answer requests

Ayodele Renner Consultant Paediatrician @ Lagos
city Lagos, Nigeria June 8, 2021, 10:16 a.m.
Hello Toluwanimi. I completely agree with you. ADHD is underdiagnosed in Nigeria. The diagnosis has very specific criteria which include hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity of a certain duration. A lot of healthcare workers are unaware of the criteria. Parents may also seek help late or not at all. When the diagnosis is made, there is little consensus on what management methods work best. This lack ofuniformity of therapy makes management challenging. Coping for families involves support groups, a Multispecialist approach to care including the paediatrician , paediatric nurse, paediatric psychologist, child psychiatrist and the occupational therapist. Children with ADHD may have other issues like oppositional behavior which need to be addressed. Building capacity to diagnose and treat ADHD as well as creating public awareness will go a long way to help children with this condition 
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