Tobi Igbinedion Co-founder @ TwoCents
city Lagos May 15, 2021, 11:02 p.m.

Hey Bayo,

So particularly in Nigeria, right now, it's appearing to more and more people that having a definite career trajectory that ends up becoming a successful and fulfilling one happens to perhaps 1 in 500 people.

For many, the reality is getting whatever job, wherever that just pays the bills - considering how difficult it is even getting any 'decent' job, as a graduate.

Some even try to enforce living their dreams by going into entrepreneurship only to find out its hard. 

How best could one put their life together to ensure they fulfil their dreams with respect to their career?

1 Answer request

Adebayo Ajayi Project Deployment Mana... @ British American ...
city Lagos, Nigeria May 25, 2021, 12:51 p.m.
Hi Tobi,

Unfortunately, your question is the valid reality of most Nigeria graduates today.
Once there is no enabling environment, you will always expect a diffuse state of survival.

If you choose to stay in Nigeria, you must be ready to thrive within the competition and circle of scarcity.

So I will leave you to answer the individual question of how you can be outstanding in an environment that is not enabling.
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