Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creat...
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Relationships 2 min read

<span class="html-content"> <p>There is a gender war going on, and I believe by now everyone is aware of this. To those however who are not aware, a trip to social media is more than sufficient to convince you. Hardly a day goes by on the social media space, without encountering posts pitting the male vs female genders against one another. Believe me, it is annoying.</p> <p>Soldiers one both sides argue against the privileges of the other side, while refusing to accept their own privileges. Truth is both genders have their privileges and their drawbacks. The question is what is stopping us from acknowledging this?</p> <p>My answer is apathy. Apathy is basically the lack of sympathy towards from one person or group, towards another. It is the lack of concern or interest to things or people around you. In the gender war, this is the biggest dividing force. When one party refuses to acknowledge the concerns of another, we do nothing to alleviate it. There by, increasing the strain in relationship between both parties.</p> <p>With apathy, a man who complains about the societal pressures to provide, is countered by a woman who complains about the pressures of keeping the home. No one genuinely listens to the other, rather it devolves into an argument of "who suffer pass". No one looks to see how they can help ease the grievances or pressures on the other. It is rather a 'carry your cross' affair. Take a look at posts on apps like Twitter or Instagram, highlighting a particular gender's challenges. Such posts are turned quickly into a battle ground for the male vs female war. The truth is, you cannot expect sympathy from others, if you do not also show sympathy.</p> <p>Perhaps if there is a measure of empathy between both parties, we would edge closer to a ceasefire in this obnoxious gender war. Empathy allows us to feel for others, to sympathize with them. The need for empathy in our society, cannot be over emphasized. The ability to put the feelings of others into consideration, makes for a better relationship. Men, as well as women, should know this. Listen genuinely to the grievances of the other party, respect their feelings; this leads to yours being respected as well. </p> <p>I hope we realize and accept this soon, because I am sure we are all exhausted with the numerous daily battles between genders, across social media.</p> </span>

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