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Samuel Ibok Marketing Supervisor @ Crusader Sterling Pensions Limited
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 4 min read
<span class="html-content"><p>Looks right, looks left&nbsp;</p><p>Clears browser history&nbsp;</p><p>Repeats</p> <p>I can still remember the first day I saw you. I remember where I was and who I was with. The crazy thing is that I didn't know we would still be in touch until now. I was only a child, but you have somehow grown with me. I know our relationship hasn't been the greatest, but you haven't given up on me. I recall how many times I said "never again," when divorcing you was my only prayer point. I've honestly tried to get rid of you, but for some reason, I always find myself coming back to you. Mehnnnn, I now wish I had never met you because what we have become scares me. This unequal yoke has kept me from expressing my feelings to my crush. I blame you, yes. This was never the plan. I wish I could start over. Well, if wishes were horses, there'd be no horses. It seems we have blood ties like Akin and Wale. Could this be my life's version of brotherhood?&nbsp;</p><p>I remember when Tumzy mentioned you to me and how difficult it was for her to get rid of you. I laughed then because I wasn't in too deep. Why do we find solace and comfort in the very thing we should run away from? I was probably 8 years old the first time I saw a porn video; then it was widely known as "blue film!" 17 years later, I am still hooked. For some reason, the scene is still clear in my head. I wonder why I still remember, and I wish I could swerve and teach myself how to forget. I guess that's why they say the first time is always memorable! I started watching more clips over time, and it became a part of my routine. It didn't affect my brain or scores until I ventured into masturbation. It was at this point that I realized that post-nut clarity is a scam. It actually blurs your vision. Imagine making yourself reach the peak of pleasure. That's most people's dream.&nbsp;</p><p>A lot of young people are hooked on pornography, and it's eating deep into our lives. While there are some who can present a good argument in favor of the porn industry, I believe it is a crazy and dangerous one. Beyond the dominance of men, which is expressed in most clips, it equally affects viewers. The time you would have otherwise used for something more productive would be wasted surfing various sites and inputting distinct keywords! It gets addictive over time, and it could affect your relationships. I think the fact that we are somehow wired to seek pleasure is part of why breaking the habit of watching porn or masturbation is difficult. I knew this guy back then who had several folders of porn videos. The way he named them was crazy.&nbsp;</p><p>Don't ask me if I watched them!&nbsp;</p><p>If you don't judge, you won't be judged!&nbsp;</p><p>The big question is: how do you stop watching porn or masturbating?&nbsp;</p><p>I'm no expert on this, nor am I a retired porn star, but I guess you would first have to attach your identity to it. In other words, how do you view yourself? Do you want to be perceived as an addict? The following step would be to delete. Yes, delete! Turn on your secure browser. This should stop you from accessing some sites. This is not 100% guaranteed because "Konji na bastard!"&nbsp;</p><p>You could equally practice starvation. Weaponize hunger! Yeah, starve that feeling. I believe very strongly that the less you look, the less you act. Look less at things that could arouse or trigger you. You've been doing it for a while, so your body and mind will remember the triggers, and you may be tempted to return. You could equally stop taking your phones into the restroom or wherever it is that you end up masturbating. I've also heard that replacing habits with another activity could work. These things have patterns. For example, you may have noticed that you keep watching porn between 8 and 10 p.m. on certain days. You could perform another activity during that period because the body never forgets. This is a topic many people shy away from, but I think a problem shared with the right person could lighten the burden. It's okay to share, as people who have been hooked on porn may help you out of that tunnel. However, note that there's no "one size fits all" approach. Equally, remember that it always starts with a thought and then a taste or action. Some people feel guilty when they masturbate. So yeah, how long do you want to feel guilty? Maybe stopping the habit would make you a happier person. Remember, you may want to replicate the things you've watched.&nbsp;</p><p>No go wipe person pikin cord ooo. You will be arrested.&nbsp;</p><p>Those guys are basically acting out a script. It's okay to take it to God in prayer. This may seem off, but isn't it crazy that you barely see porn ads or promos from porn sites, yet the traffic to those sites is insane? So yeah, what makes us go back to those sites? I think that should be researched. Why would people share their issues with models on only fan channels? Does pornography solve a problem? Are porn stars entrepreneurs, or should we perceive them as bad or immoral people?</p> <p>This is not entirely my story, but it is a true life story!&nbsp;</p><p>Lol.&nbsp;</p><p>Serve yourself breakfast today and be free!</p> </span>
By Samuel Ibok
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