Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creat...
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Literature, Writing and Blogging 2 min read
It is very important that we learn to differentiate between the cheerleaders and the onlookers in our lives. Quite often, we mix these two sets of people up, or even collectively group them as one. Cheerleaders are more than mere supporters, they are much more than those guys who merely say 'good job' or 'well done' to our accomplishments. Yes, I know those words are positive and soothing. But a cheerleader does more. Cheerleaders are mostly in our corner, edging us on and motivating us, along our journey. A cheerleader takes interest in our journey and gives us the support that we need at points of struggle, going as far as making some sacrifices for us. These are the people who have an idea of how much pressure we go through in order to become diamonds. The thing about this set of people however, is that they're not many in our lives. An individual could have as few as 3 cheerleaders, compared to the many onlookers he has in his life. For the record, I describe onlookers as those who just watch us with little care if we fail or succeed. They're those ones who applaud our accomplishments, and go silent during our points of struggle. Is it possible for an individual to only have onlookers? Yes. This is because most times we are oblivious to the presence of the cheerleaders, in a bid to impress onlookers. For a lot of people, the opinions of onlookers is what is of value to them, and in the process repel cheerleaders. This is why I started this write up, saying how important it is for us to differentiate between these two sets of people. Differentiating, and knowing the group a person falls into, helps us build better relationships with them. You do not want to accord the gratitude and loyalty for a cheerleader, to an onlooker. If you can identify the cheerleaders in your life, it becomes easy to seek and receive valuable opinions from them. Because such opinions come from a place of genuine intentions. I implore you as you read this, make out time and think about the cheerleaders in your life. Give them the appreciation they need, because modern times have proven to us that we need such people in our lives.
By Jefferson Nnadiekwe
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