Deaths on the African continent from COVID-19 are expected to fall by nearly 94% in 2022 compared to last year 2021
Last year the pandemic's most deadly year in Africa, with COVID-19 the seventh major cause of death, just below malaria.
"Our latest analysis suggests that estimated deaths in the African region will shrink to around 60 a day in 2022. ...
Last year, we lost an average of 970 people every day," WHO Africa director Matshidiso Moeti told a virtual news conference (on Thursday. 2/6/2022)
Richer countries and southern African nations have had around double the mortality rates of poorer ones in other parts of Africa, partly due to co-morbidity that increase the risk of death, the WHO analysis found.
Around 23,000 deaths are expected by the end of the year, provided current variants and transmission patterns remain the same, according to the analysis.(in first comment)
"The job is not yet done, every time we sit and Relax, COVID-19 Flare again" Moeti said
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