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Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creative photographer
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Literature, Writing and Blogging 2 min read
Determinism and fairness
Determinism is a widely popular concept. Subscribers to this school of thought, are of the believe that every action of man has been predetermined by a force. For some this force is God or gods. While for others, it is the universe. In essence, the destiny of every human, has been set. We just live according to it. But if this is the case, can we say that some people have been set up to fail or engage in certain actions which lead to doom? And if so, is it fair that there is judgement awaiting us in the afterlife based on our actions on earth; which has already been predestined? To put it simply, are we to blame for our wrong doings and shortcomings? Determinism is a concept that opposes the totality of free will. That is man has no true free will to make choices for himself. Every choice we make, has already been predestined and mapped out. In this case, one can then argue that a man who commits murder did not truly act on his own volition. He only played to a script. Does it then make sense if he is judged and condemned to an afterlife of pain and suffering, based on an action he has no control over? Let's take the example of Judas in the bible. His role in the death of Christ was unarguably very important in fulfilling God's plan. Till this day, the name Judas is associated with betrayal and evil. But one can argue that maybe he was just a pawn. A man destined to betray Jesus. Surely this was not of his free will right? There is no back story that I know of that suggest that Judas had done something like that in the past. We can say that he is therefore a victim of determinism. What about the concepts of success and failure. Are they affected by determinism? Maybe that is why some people do not attain success irrespective of their efforts. Which seems rather unfair. What is the point of toiling and striving for success, if it has been already mapped out that some people are destined to be above others. Determinism in its entirety, seems unfair upon deeper scrutinization. This is one of the reasons a lot of people are beginning to adopt the philosophy of existentialism.
Determinism and fairness
By Jefferson Nnadiekwe
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