Queensley Okon Information Officer @ Covenant University
city Ota, Nigeria
In People and Society 3 min read
This would be a camaraderie of different thoughts but like I have already pleaded with you to give some leeway Okay first of all, have you noticed that people love to talk about how we have to be more human and less of whatever we tell ourselves we are? We often tout when trying to get another person to be good and kind; but in that in the same vein, when we do something perceived as evil, we go "I'm only human". How ironic 😼😂😂 When do we actually accept that being "human" means being selfish, wicked, evil and in being kind and well-behaved, there is purpose to it? Everyday we make decisions about our lives and become the consequences of those decisions but never really pay attention to it Or maybe we do through accountability but when do we realize that everything we do in life is a decision? Whatever you choose to do has a corresponding opportunity cost. If I have decided to be a good person, to live by integrity no matter the cost, I would see the consequences or effects of that and it would form my being and vice versa. Being human is exhibiting both in the best balance there is: you could be the sweet friendly face and at the same time a terror to your peers. What now separates being human and being spiritual? Purpose!! Now you live with intention, you live aware of what your actions are to other people and how it can affect them. Accountability is your watchword and the anyhowness of being human does not apply to you as you put yourself under a microscope everytime. Of course you may argue that it has nothing to do with spirituality but observe how people you knew as really good people who when finally thrown into the fire became a shadow of themselves. They were pushed beyond their limits and lost themselves in the process. Some began to question what use is their good in navigating life and some still survived the trials, very rare but possible. And when this happens, people look at the person as though this person were a god or inhuman because at the heart of it, we know that a normal human being does not last that long or remain the same person after such experiences If you notice, as you get older, you get less judgemental and more forgiving. You start to question what moral superiority you possess to cast judgements on people(this happens when you are actually learning and not just traversing the earth) You become a great and better listener and do less talking because you have understood some things in a better light. You drop egos and start being a warmer and more embracing person. You appreciate communities and the ambience of laughter and people You become wiser and go through life as though experiencing it for the first time. Friends and family take priority and healthy boundaries exist I mean, it is a beautiful feeling but I digress So why did I begin the sermon with "don't judge me", you may ask? Because we have gotten to a point where we are so comfortable with making despicable choices and signing it off with the aforementioned phrase. We know that the choice we are making has grave long term effects and yet, we damn whatever and keep making them. Then when we realize how knee deep we are, especially if we could have avoided it, we start losing ourselves and walk around with a stubborn and rebellious outlook. Of course you should not be judged but the truth is you would get judged regardless. Some people are judging based on how morally superior they think they are or from a place of privilege or some are just looking for a reason to take jabs. Either way, your response determines your self-awareness and how accountable you want to keep yourself. There are also those who would lend an ear and try to help you. Ensure that when you get to this point, you open your heart to receive the help and drop your ego. You can tell people to be more "human" but we know that is just like singing to a deaf man; it's a waste of time. What you are witnessing is the very definition of being human and you should get with the program so you save yourself a lot of heartbreak I know being human sometimes means not being accountable but for today, can you try something different? Can you be accountable to yourself? What choices will be different today? What steps are you taking towards self improvement? Let me know my fellow "humans"
By Queensley Okon
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