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Oluseyi Vandy Freelance writer, audio producer, 3D modelling
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Education 2 min read
Education: A Human Right
<span class="html-content"><p>There is something about understanding how life is; the rules, the nuance, the connections in not only fields of life and careers, but in human interactions. </p> <p>This write-up is more of a sober reflection. Sober because the election draws near, and as we have seen how an educated and capable man campaigning for election has tilted the scale of things so much that it is not business as usual. He has broken almost every held misconception that the same ruling class that weaponized illiteracy and poverty has pushed for so long. What are they you may ask? </p> <p>●There can only be a one or two-party system.</p> <p>●You need a share-the-money, and bribery mindset to stand a chance.</p> <p>●Education na scam.</p> <p>●Engage in debates by hurling insults at the opponent rather than the actual issues. </p> <p>By now you know whom I am referring to, though the rest of the candidates are educated... at least on paper, Peter Obi has had an influence that no one imagined. What does this have to do with education you may wonder?</p> <p>With the madness going on in the country, we can see who is being used as tools or suffering the most out of it; the uneducated. They are the ones who refuse to open bank accounts for whatever reason or fear, hence making the naira issue even worse for them. They are the ones being given the old naira notes that are more useless than paper (at least one could write a million naira idea on paper). They are the ones living in areas where banks see no reason to set up because it would be a hassle to try to convince them to do business with them.</p> <p>With the amount of suffering, they are the ones being manipulated with lies and propaganda to believe in the promises of those that would pay them N2k+ for 8 years in government where they get to sell off and trade their collective commonwealth that would have made their lives far more comfortable than it is, and they probably know that after this election period, the politicians will not suffer their presence, but still, they do it. Why? Maybe because they don't know any other way.</p> <p>It's at times like this you get to know education is a must and a fundamental human right because it is times like these it dawns on us that the vast majority of votes come from these people, the people without it. </p> </span>
Education: A Human Right
By Oluseyi Vandy
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