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Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creative photographer
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 3 min read
<p>You have to be living under a rock if you are oblivious to the 'war' presently happening in the music industry. And if you have, this might be the first time living under a rock is an enviable position. Lucky you!</p><p><br></p><p>This week kicked off with a number of interesting events ranging from the increasing fuel scarcity and consequent hardship, to one of Afrobeat's 'big 3' waging a plainly ridiculous and dumb Twitter war on his colleagues. As a netizen, you are presented between two trending topics to lend your voice and opinions to. Surprise, surprise, a lot of people jumped on the Wizkid vs the rest of the industry beef, and have refused to take their teeth off that.</p><p><br></p><p>I have tried to ignore it, but as you can tell by now that I did such a poor job at it. This isn't one of those 'where's your priorities at?' kind of post. Rather it is one born out of utter confusion as to why we care so much about whatever Wizkid and Davido choose to do or say on Twitter and how it affects the lives of their fans. We also need to reevaluate our 'stanship' and the absurdities associated with it. If one fanbase isn't getting verbally abused and broke shamed by their master, the other fan base are victims of physical assault from members of their leader's entourage.</p><p><br></p><p>What started the exchange of words between the two musicians was already stupid enough, but watching fully grown up adults choose camps and go at themselves on social media is just pathetic. Wizkid fc vs 30BG, what is really wrong with you? Seriously, seeing these guys go at each other over two guys who are probably running PR is appalling to say the least. You'd think it was just for a few hours and everyone would get it out of their systems, but nah - it's been two days with no sign of slowing down.</p><p><br></p><p>I said earlier that this isn't a 'get your priorities straight' kind of post, but I lied. I needed you to read all the way to this point where I ask you this: what the hell are your priorities? This shouldn't upset the innocent ones but for the guilty, I know you're stung and I like that you are.&nbsp;</p><p>Moving about this week has been hell! Businesses and individuals have one way or the other been affected by the lingering fuel crisis which threatens to get worse. It's quite annoying that we rather feed so much attention to a probably pre planned PR tactic.</p><p><br></p><p>I get we need to get our minds on other things and all, however it is concerning when it starts to look like the fuel situation is the distraction from music industry world war. Need I remind you that neither of these guys face the problems of the common citizens. And quite frankly, neither of them are deserving of the loyalty that is being showered on them. They are clearly getting a kick of what is going on and will keep milking it for continuous relevancy, while the so-called fans dwell at the bottom rung of Maslow's pyramid as they battle with themselves.</p><p><br></p><p>It has indeed been an interesting week. Contrary to the general consensus on why it has been interesting, I dare say it has been interesting because it's like someone decided to conduct an experiment on the Nigerian youths. The result I'm afraid is going to leave whoever it is completely dumbfounded. Fuel may be scarce but it's good to know the fuel needed for fan wars is in its abundance. Yay!</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
By Jefferson Nnadiekwe
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