Samuel Ibok Marketing Supervisor @ Crusader Sterling...
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 2 min read

<span class="html-content"> <p>The caption is not a joke. I'm serious!</p> <p>For the past four months I've been facing the famous Lagos Traffic almost every work day. Starngely, One of the things I've noticed is that the stillness, chaos and other elements present in traffic stirs something in me. It legit gets me there- I mean mentally oooo!&nbsp;</p><p>I'll probably have to do a proper post on how to maximise the time spent in traffic!</p> <p>I think one my new hobbies would be spending time in traffic. I know it sounds crazy 🤪&nbsp;</p><p>A lot of ideas flow through my mind in traffic and I've recently started being more intentional about them. This may resonate more with writers though. I've written 8 articles in traffic. Yes, 8 articles.</p><p>It's a simple hack, the idea comes and I start writing. It doesn't have to be perfect at first. You can as well see it as a draft. The goal is to start something and leave the "I plan to" clime. Remember ideas are fleeting. I know you may not always feel the urge to write or your muse may come and go sometimes. In those cases you have to apply my former Branch Managers favorite phrase-"Be Intentional"!.</p> <p>In the midst of distractions, your goal should not be compromised.&nbsp;</p><p>Finally brethren, traffic is not your enemy. Its just spare time you'd rather have at home!</p> <p>And yeah, I typed this epistle in traffic!</p> <p>Learn Unlearn Relearn </p> </span>

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I'm a Creative Writer and Poet on a mission to Tell Stories That Torch! You can find some of my works below
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