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Dr Mo Ameer Intern doctor at MUH (Mansoura University Hospitals) @ Mansoura University
city Al Manşūrah, Egypt
In Health 2 min read
Training undergraduate medical students
I will talk about personal experience in training for undergraduate medical students that may benefit any interested person in healthcare system. Most of my talk is directed to the healthcare system individuals (Doctors, Nurses, Technicians, Lab workers and medical students) 🏥👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ - In every organization there's a department is called training department or Research and development or volunteer work opportunities that you can check physically by asking in that organization or checking their website or social media platforms * After you find that, ask for the available trainings, opportunities and the requirements or search for it online.🕸👨‍💻 * Most applicants forget to strengthen their curriculum viate (C.V). by joining volunteer work, charities and social events, so don't forget that. 📶💪🏻 * After you find the best suitable opportunity for you, try to prepare every required document for that with your full attention and care. 🫵 * Check the deadline very carefully, and try to apply before it with a suitable period, so as you won't be in a hurry and the organization can check your data in a suitable way. 🏴‍☠️ * You MUST USE PROFESSIONAL MAIL ACCOUNT. Not sure if the employer see that someone is called " or" would look like but I shall tell you that your opportunity Falls in a great way.📉📉📉 * After you complete your documents try to apply in the first working hours of that organization e.g if the office is working from 8 a.m to 2 p.m try to apply by 8:15 a.m not exceeding 12 p.m ☕️🕗 * Send gentle reminder after the deadline date if you don't receive a reply to show your interest and inform them that you are following the organization and keen on training with them 🔔 * Your motivation letter should be strong, simple, clear, and interesting that doesn't make the reader to be bored with it or close your application very fast and reject your application. * The most important thing about it all, if you aren't selected never be disappointed 😔 because you have literally tons of tries left as well as thousands of opportunities are available, so try, try and try.

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