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Queensley Okon Information Officer @ Covenant University
city Ota, Nigeria
In Women 3 min read
<span class="html-content"> <p>Over the weekend, there was uproar among the Americans when the popularly argued "Roe vs Wade" case was overruled by the Supreme Court.</p> <p>Yes overruled or overturned can be used interchangeably </p> <p>Nancy Pelosi called it a "dark day" in the US (because school children getting shot wasn't important or dark enough *laughs in irritation")</p> <p>You may be wondering, why all the fuss about abortion? Well, the Roe vs Wade ruling gave women the constitutional right to make decisions about abortions</p> <p>Overruling it means that there does not exist that right to make decisions about abortion and that right is criminalized. </p> <p>This was a ruling backed by a Mississippi law that bans women from aborting children 15 weeks after pregnancy</p> <p>Trust me, it's an interesting read and you should hug Google for it</p> <p>What then is abortion? "It is the termination of a pregnancy by expulsion of a fetus or embryo(growing baby)"</p> <p>Simply put, killing your unborn child(na English after everything)</p> <p>Why then are people mad about the decision? First of all, it puts those who are raped or going through something harmful and are in need of one, at risk. </p> <p>It also takes away the solution of terminating a baby you don't want.</p> <p>All these are well defined rights and the consequences are solely on the parents, most especially the women.</p> <p>Why then do people sit down and make legislations against something that won't really affect them?</p> <p>Why would your religion be a deciding factor in the lives of others?</p> <p>Is there an agreement between the both of you?&nbsp;</p><p>Even if they have the same religious underpinnings, why would you force them to act like you?</p> <p>Have you met humans? We are dynamic in every sense of the word.</p> <p>Restrict us and watch us birth a rebellious monster</p> <p>Sometimes, people conflate religion ideals and how people would actually apply them</p> <p>As a Christian, I really haven't read where we are told not to abort explicitly (you can enlighten me if you find it)</p> <p>Maybe the Muslims have their own laws but it still is not enough</p> <p>Every human makes a decision everyday regarding how they apply things they learn</p> <p>Force has always been the enemy</p> <p>Religious ideals are not law, no matter how much you try to make them</p> <p>If a woman must have 20 abortions, that's on her, she knows the consequences and has made the decision to live with them</p> <p>I know you care but please, this is an adult, the consequences are waiting in the future</p> <p>I just hope you as a woman making that decision would be kind enough to disclose that to your intending partner, so they are fully aware and can take steps where necessary</p> <p>Because it really is counterproductive if you are secretive with it and think you can eat your lunch and still have it(very impossible)</p> <p>If you are proud of your decision, take it to the bank</p> <p>If you know you would have to hide it, then think well on it before you take the decision</p> <p>Better yet, abstain if you are scared of getting pregnant or use protection if you cannot control yourself</p> <p>Whatever the case, it really is none of my business or any other person's to make laws criminalizing that right</p> <p>What is your take on the idea of abortion?</p> </span>
By Queensley Okon
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