Toluwanimi Jewel A Doctor @ Hospital in Melbo...
city Melbourne, Australia
In Literature, Writing and Blogging 2 min read
My Fine Dining Experience: a glimpse into the world of sycophants
<span class="html-content"><p>Yesterday, my friend called me to go out for dinner in the CBD of the city I live in and I jumped at the invitation: I love fine dining; for the food, not for the people or the cost.</p> <p>Anyway, she had been talking about this new celebrity restaurant for a while and she had finally secured us a spot this time( we had tried going to eat at this restaurant last year and had gotten ourselves chased away as we had no booking; yes, it’s that kind of a restaurant).</p> <p>Back to my story, we dressed up and arrived at the restaurant which had quite a nice ambience and we were eager to jump into the food; at least, I know I was, as that was the only reasonable justification, to me, for venturing out on such a pricey quest in the first place.</p> <p>Permit me to skip the descriptive semantics at this point(or as my country people would say: make I no talk plenty big big grammar), because that food wasn’t even worth me wasting my time, typing out words, to describe how much of an epic fail it was; yes, you guessed right: money wasted!</p> <p>Anyway, the food being terrible wasn’t what stuck with me but how we were being treated by all but two of the waiters: disgustingly!</p> <p>Why?</p> <p>Oh, we didn’t look as rich as the people that frequented the restaurant so we didn’t deserve to be treated with respect.</p> <p>At this point, I started observing how other ‘rich looking’ people were being treated and I saw it: Sycophants! Everywhere!</p> <p>My friend was quite vocal about her displeasure and we both stared the manager down when he came to our table to try to ‘buga’ (in English: intimidate) us😂</p> <p>I don’t want to go into the usual rant of how this happens a lot more than it should in most aspects of life but I have this advice:</p> <p>Make sure you ‘look rich’ if you want to gain the respect of sycophants; now, if you are like me that cannot be bothered what anybody and their past, present and future generations think, do whatever makes you happy; the world will adjust!</p> <p>Danke! Talk to yous soon</p> </span>
My Fine Dining Experience: a glimpse into the w...
By Toluwanimi Jewel A
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