Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creat...
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 4 min read
Noblesse Oblige
<p>Noblesse oblige. Such a fancy term I hadn't heard of till a few nights ago. I was scrolling through status updates on Whatsapp and came across the term on a contact's status. She had just learned the word and typical with every new thing we learn she too passed it on to me albeit unknowingly. It gets more interesting than it already is when you discover the meaning.</p><p><br></p><p>According to Webster's dictionary, Noblesse oblige refers to the idea that people who have high social rank or wealth should be helpful and generous to people of lower rank, or people who are poor. It's funny that this is a general belief shared by quite a number of people in society, we just didn't know it had a name for it. Now that we know, let's talk about this ideology.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>We can coin the word 'noble' already from it, which means that it is a noble thought. However, does the fact that something appears noble automatically make it valid? Is it really the duty of the wealthy amongst us to help the poor? I mean, we all had our own share of opportunities to become successful didn't we? So why should those who utilized theirs be responsible for the others who did not.</p><p><br></p><p>Most men who are asked their motivation to attain wealth, will tell you first and foremost that it is to be able to give themselves and their families an avenue to a better life. Then a few would add helping others as subsequent reasons. It is after all human nature to think first about our needs as we are inherently selfish (which isn't necessarily a bad thing).</p><p><br></p><p>Having agreed that it is normal to be selfish as humans, let us also bear in mind that in as much as selflessness exists , so do kindness and empathy. Beyond the gratification of the soul, these virtues exists as a form of societal balance. Yes, we all have our opportunities at greatness, and yes, some people make use of said opportunities and work harder than others. However, there are some other factors other than hard work that determines the success of a person. There is chance, time, and may I say; luck.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Honestly, everyone can't be rich - it's chaotic. Can you imagine a world where everyone has the means to get whatever they want? On first thought, it sounds like an utopian world, but careful examination will make it clear that it would be a world driven by unhealthy and toxic competition. This is simply because the wants will certainly outweigh the available resources leading to disruption in the natural order. Therefore, in order to avert that, the universe in its wisdom has set two sides - rich and poor. Even the holy book states that the poor will always be among us.</p><p><br></p><p>By nature, it is the duty of the wealthy/upper class to help the poor/lower class. I say it's by nature because the disparity will always exist - It is not entitlement like a lot of people like to think. Earlier I stated that Noblesse oblige helps maintain societal balance, let me explain.</p><p><br></p><p>Class difference is already an uncomfortable reality, then think about what neglect adds to it. I will give you a hint, a combustible situation. Uprisings and revolutions sometimes are triggered when the less privilege of a given society feel abandoned and neglected to a point it becomes unbearable. If all people of higher rank are concerned about, is gathering wealth for themselves without empathy for their counterparts on the opposite spectrum, it is only a matter of time before chaos ensues.</p><p><br></p><p>I once heard someone say that every human being on earth is fighting to come out of a tunnel, and that the first thing that you do when you eventually come out, is to look back and help the next person out. God blesses men so they can in turn be a source of blessing to other men. Life is fickle, all the wealth we accumulate will not accompany us to the grave when it's our time to go. Isn't it better if it's used to impact several lives while we are on earth?</p><p><br></p><p>Perhaps our government officials and elites should be introduced to the term 'Noblesse oblige'. Who knows, it may just be what is needed for a health and conducive society.&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Then there are those who have used Noblesse oblige as a tool in their manipulation kit. But we shall talk about these guys some other time.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
Noblesse Oblige
By Jefferson Nnadiekwe
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