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Samuel Ibok Marketing Supervisor @ Crusader Sterling Pensions Limited
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Business Development 1 min read
Problems are Opportunities
What happens when you're not feeling well? You consult a doctor. What happens when the doctor's laptop is faulty? The doctor consults a system technician. What happens when you relocate abroad and you're trying to balance your studies with working? You simply consult me to handle your projects and assignments so that your JAKPAing won't be in vain. In all three scenarios, the problem for one party presents an opportunity for the other party. From this, I can assert that a market is any place where problems meet solutions. If you're looking for opportunities, then I suggest that you find problems. Jobseekers are problem seekers! I know it sounds funny, but it is what it is. If you're able to provide solutions to people's problems, then they'd reward you financially. Money is where the problem is! If you're planning to get financially stable, then you must steadily provide solutions to people's issues. It doesn't end there. You must continually educate yourself in that particular craft and think of ways to brand yourself, collaborate with others, and possibly upscale. It won't be a smooth journey, but it'll be worth it. Remember this----" the money (opportunity) is where the problem is". Shalom! Learn Unlearn Relearn
Problems are Opportunities
By Samuel Ibok
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Africa, Business Development.

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