Chidera Odom Restaurant Operations M... @ Sundry Foods Ltd
city Benin City, Nigeria
In Literature, Writing and Blogging 3 min read
<p>I was that pure, untainted little person, little, in every way; size, body, mind, but my heart? Larger than life.</p><p>I loved fully and hated the same way,<br></p><p>I never lied without a sorry, inexplicable reason.<br></p><p>I always tried to look my own definition of pretty.</p><p>Sometimes, that meant half my bottle of lip gloss on already pretty lips, and just enough powder to make my lips the topic of my face.</p><p><br></p><p>My smile always lit up the entire football field.</p><p>Yes, I played occasionally but that's not the point.</p><p>I wore my heart on my sleeves. You could always tell if I loved someone or not.</p><p>My face, very expressive. On it, you could read everything, any emotion.</p><p>I didn't have to utter a word - just how i liked it.</p><p><br></p><p>Reading was always a hobby,</p><p>Always trying to make sense of any and all words in my sight.</p><p>I got so good that I started diverging to other languages,&nbsp;</p><p>So much so that daddy always brought his igbo bible for read-aloud lessons.</p><p><br></p><p>My little self always held authority, be it in the little role plays we indulged in the neighbourhood or among my peers anywhere.</p><p>Usually, my joy knows no bounds when it's movie time.&nbsp;</p><p>My memory and those of my siblings were always so apt, almost photographic,</p><p>All the lines and lyrics, once heard, always stuck.</p><p>Despite how intelligent I was, I never did as well as I'd have liked at school.&nbsp;</p><p>This just meant I was never in the top 3-10th positions.</p><p>I often read with all my might and answered questions with much deligence and patience but when it's results day, my card would come in and I'll see "18th out of 37".</p><p>Sad reality, I was a knower, not an "examser".</p><p><br></p><p>I was a late bloomer.</p><p>While the girls my age were growing mounds on their chests, all I had on me were two sore dots and a bra, two sizes bigger.</p><p>It never bothered me, but then again, I never questioned my body, until I couldn't find pretty shoes in my size.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>My teachers and principal always wrote how I was parrotty,</p><p>I never saw what they saw.</p><p>I knew I was playful, in fact, extremely so.</p><p>Could it be that they judged me based on my out-of-class personality? What wickedness!!!</p><p><br></p><p>There was always so much to do, but as always, I never got them all done.</p><p>I always had time for books though, always had my nose stuck in one.&nbsp;</p><p>Am I the only one who thinks hard copies are one of the most beautiful things?&nbsp;<br></p><p>The smell of them, the feel of them , it was everything, just like my memories are everything to me.<br></p>
By Chidera Odom
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