Asiogu Ugochukwu Global Security enthusiast
In History and Culture 2 min read

<span class="html-content"><p>When it comes to marriage and sexual preparedness as the elements of a people's sociocultural organisation in Africa, the Banyankole tribe remains unforgettable. Yes, I mean it and I do because they are an interesting people whose culture pays utmost attention to the need for sexual vibrance and satisfaction in every marriage - a factor that has resulted in a lot of marriage divorces and breakups in relationships in the contemporary times. </p> <p>Banyankole is a highly traditional Kingdom in Southwestern Uganda, East of Lake Edward. The kingdom comprises two major groups namely: the Bahima, who are mostly cattle rearers, and the Bairu, who are agriculturists. </p> <p>Unlike many African countries like Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia among others where aunts provide guidance and counselling to their young nieces as they grow and develop from adolescence to adulthood, in Banyankole, aunts do more than guide and counsel their nieces; they take further action to confirm the groom's virility and potency as well as the bride's virginity before their marriage is approved. </p> <p>As a potency test for the groom, the bride's aunt was sometimes required to have sexual intercourse with the groom for confirmation that he could discharge his sexual obligation to his wife excellently without grudges or complain. On the other hand, she is also obliged to test and confirm if the bride was still a virgin. In situations where the bride's aunt cannot have sex with the groom, it is said that she will go as far as listening to or watching the bride and groom make love to each other in order to confirm the couple's potency and consumative preponderance prior to the approval of their marriage. </p> <p>This practice is very crucial for the people of Banyankole because they believe that sexual consumatiom informed the continued existence and progress of marital relationships between men and women. As such, they do not take issues bordering on impotency lightly. </p> <p>Indeed, these people are very realistic and focused in ensuring that their marriages work and couples enjoy themselves and union to the fullest. Of course, it is their culture; their lifestyle and not even their religion forbids it.</p> <p>Let me know your thoughts on this culture.</p> </span>

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Asiogu Ugochukwu is the most viewed writer in
History and Culture, Leadership.

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