Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creat...
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Literature, Writing and Blogging 3 min read
<p>It's often thought that brave men are brave because they have no fear or doubts. In reality, brave men are brave because they push past their fears and overcome the doubts in their heads.</p><p><br></p><p>Bravery is an exceptional quality any human being can possess, it's what propels us to break barriers and achieve what might naturally seem impossible. Because it is that amazing, it doesn't come easily. I am of the opinion that we are not born brave, rather we learn to be brave. And as every other thing learned or groomed, there are a lot of challenges associated with the process.</p><p><br></p><p>Fear is a primordial emotion in human beings - a sort of protective instinct if you will. However, it can be limiting as it is protective. This is where bravery comes in. We don't always need protection as our instincts make us to believe. There comes a time in a man's life where he needs to take up the challenge before him irrespective of the risk involved. It's how we grow, develop, and expand. Another misconception that people have is that bravery can only be expressed physically or in the case of external conflict. Which is why it might sound odd to some people if I say an individual can be physically brave but a coward mentally.</p><p><br></p><p>It is this mental cowardice that I have decided to explore today. Mental cowardice manifests in different areas - in personal relationships, romantic involvements, and career ambitions. Have you ever been assigned a duty and your first instinct is to turn in down? Probably because you are scared you wouldn't be able to deliver... Sucks right? There is no need to feel ashamed if you have, you should only feel bad if you succumbed to those thoughts.</p><p><br></p><p>I will tell you for free that as a creative, those urges are common. The first time I had a booking for a wedding shoot, I felt like passing up the opportunity. Even though I had passed up some other opportunities, I'm glad I didn't. Lately, I got a commission to write a script in an aspect of media I have never written for. While the representatives of the company were breaking down the brief, I did feel a bit overwhelmed, and a small part of me wanted to run. Thankfully I was brave and shook away the intrusive thoughts - hopefully I create something that you all will love.</p><p><br></p><p>Quite a number of people have remained stagnant in their industries, when they clearly should be operating at a higher level. Mental cowardice inhibits innovation - a persistent problem in Nigeria. If there's something I admire about those from other continents, it is the willingness to take risks and break new grounds (with meticulous planning and execution of course). Whereas most Africans are generally okay at the basic level, succumbing to their fears stopping them from grabbing the brass ring.</p><p><br></p><p>What's all of these about? To tell you that it is perfectly normal for fear to creep in. Seriously, you cannot eradicate it. Being brave doesn't mean you do not have doubts or apprehension or even the urge to do nothing. Being brave is you doing what you need to do in the face of all of those things. In romantic relationships, there are moments where making commitments appears scary. In those moments you might want to opt out of the relationship. Mental cowardice is you doing that for a phantom gratification.</p><p><br></p><p>You might wonder how do we learn to be brave. The only answer I have for that is having a strong sense of conviction towards a specific thing, person or goal.</p>
By Jefferson Nnadiekwe
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Literature, Writing and Blogging.

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I'm a creative screenwriter, photographer, cinematographer and creative director. You can check out some of my works here

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