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Samuel Ibok Marketing Supervisor @ Crusader Sterling...
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 4 min read
The Matrix
<span class="html-content"><p><span class="html-content"></span></p><p>Those who want freedom must embrace restraint, and those who want order must choose the path of chaos.&nbsp;</p><p>I can't particularly articulate what that first line means to me, but I hope it will make sense to you in the course of reading this piece.</p><p></p> <p></p><p>Have you ever pondered the various systems that govern society?&nbsp;</p><p>This is not limited to just the governments we see but the governments of the underworld, or the otherworld, as I like to call it.&nbsp;</p><p>I believe it's all 0s and 1s.&nbsp;</p><p>From birth, we have been indoctrinated without our consent to subscribe to a system that reinforces itself. Maybe we are all slaves to the various narratives we have been fed over time.&nbsp;</p><p>"Whoever controls the narrative controls the people."&nbsp;</p><p>Why do you think the "I had no shoes" story was bought easily by most people?&nbsp;</p><p>The great divider is the narratives they feed us. I guess it's because it gave people the impression (whether true or not) that they were looking at someone who has been through their current state. I think we are all in an automated maze that gets extended just when we think we are free. People are ready to die and kill others for ideas they barely understand. It's no surprise that religion serves as both motivation and justification for violence. What if I told you we were all slaves and those who rebel are the only people who experience freedom, although in the wilderness? It's possible the opposition party was created as an illusion to swerve our minds from the singularity of the players. They are all the same.&nbsp;</p><p>How come the corners of the earth with the most natural resources are the personification of poverty? Can we outsmart those who taught us how to learn? For some reason, conventional education doesn't bring freedom. We are aware of this, but the idea of attending a glamorous school remains appealing to us. Education divides! Schools are just prisons where the most well-behaved prisoner is given a prize; in some cases, he or she is sponsored to a higher prison. Imagine if we were taught how to unlock and deploy the latent potentials of our minds. Maybe that's when we could enjoy some sense of freedom.&nbsp;</p><p>At times, I believe freedom is a matrix construct. They give us enough to keep us prudent and submissive. When we are not dogs! Not all prisons have bars; some are mental, and those are by far the worst. My advice is that we should redefine and control reality. Look within and reinvent yourself.&nbsp;</p><p>Be a rebel- I no say make you go kill person ooooo.&nbsp; God is my witness!&nbsp;</p><p>The box is the matrix; you must think outside the matrix, talk outside the matrix, act outside the matrix, and be outside the matrix.&nbsp;</p><p>Yeah, that's because it's all a lie. Ever thought about why we have more poor people than rich people? Why would man create something limited? it's intentional. Everyone is chasing the bag. Money seems to be the ultimate reward, and it appears to be a better prize than freedom. It is the golden hook of the matrix, designed with so much finesse. If I broke na your business?! Freedom exists outside the confines of a mind solely drawn to money.&nbsp;</p><p>Man know-thyself and not what you were told. This comes from fighting yourself. Yes, fight yourself. To change the algorithm, you must first understand it. Life is war. There's more than meets the eye.&nbsp;</p><p>"Your mind shall set you free." Take back control. "He who has control over his mind has control over the truth." We somehow think our minds cannot be controlled, but the entirety of our being is a reflection of the narratives we've embraced. We no longer determine our dreams. Choose your dream.&nbsp;</p><p>What if I told you that the greatest miracle is death?&nbsp;</p><p>Not the death of a person but of an idea we've clung to.&nbsp;</p><p>Death births life—plants know this. Truly, the more you look, the less you see. The more the matrix dies, the more you live!&nbsp;</p><p>The rules haven't changed; they have just been swiftly integrated into all spheres of life. If all you have is what you were given, then you should be scared. The Matrix is coming for us all. Are you ready? You can either choose rebellion, which is the path to enlightenment or be their favorite student.&nbsp;</p><p>The biggest threat to the matrix is the fortress of a free or liberated mind. The mirror doesn't reveal the mind.&nbsp;</p><p>I dare you to take back your power.</p><p></p> <p></p><p>CONTROL REALITY.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p></p> <p></p><p>Watch out for The Matrix Reloaded!</p> <p></p> </span>
The Matrix
By Samuel Ibok
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