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Jefferson Nnadiekwe Freelance scriptwriter and creative photographer
city Lagos, Nigeria
In People and Society 2 min read
The other day I posed a question to my WhatsApp contacts. I asked if the struggle for equality is leading to another form of gender imbalance. It was nice to get a couple of different perspectives on the topic. However, my personal opinion? - in a way, it has. We have to applaud the efforts made to kick out gender discrimination and inequality. Modern times has allowed and encouraged women to pursue goals and ambitions, without the obstruction of gender. Women have made their presence felt in careers and industries, previously known to be male exclusive. There are a lot of empowerment programs, set up to assist women in different areas of specialization. Indeed all these are commendable. But, in the midst of this progress made, we may be unaware of another growing problem - the neglect and apathy towards the male gender. Personally, I believe that if we can attain true equity, and eradicate discrimination; we should give equal attention to both genders. Otherwise, what we would end up doing is tilting the scale, rather than balancing it. In society today, we have boys who have been made to feel neglected and unguided. There seems to be a lack of societal support available to the male gender. For all the new ideologies and approaches to gender inequality, the idea of masculinity, remains the same. This affects the ability to adapt to a changing world for most men. If you think about it, when last did you came across an empowerment program strictly for men? In the society today, there are a lot of men who could use such programs, but their unavailability, poses a serious problem. There is so much focus on the girl child, that it begins to veer into the territory of overcompensation. And I understand that, given the issues of gender inequality, which mostly affects women. But to really solve the problem, there should be a balance. Boys could really use a good measure of attention and guidance. In a bid to cater and avail solutions to the problems of the girl child, sometimes we can become oblivious to the struggles of the boy child. Overcompensation is not a balance. It is rather another form of imbalance. Attention to both genders is the catalyst that is much needed in the fight against gender inequality.
By Jefferson Nnadiekwe
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