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Emaa Ezeifeka Media Relations, PR and Social Media Management
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Health 2 min read
Yeast infections are a topic that most people would prefer to avoid, but let's face it, they're a reality for many of us- and by us, I mean both men and women (and perhaps others between). Oh you didn’t know that men could have yeast infections ?. Now you know ! I won’t be talking about the men today; so if you’re a man who’s reading only to find out about yeast infection in men, I advise you to google it BUT still stick around because you need to understand this for the sake of the women in your life. First things first, let's define what a yeast infection actually is. Simply put, it's an overgrowth of a type of fungus called Candida that can occur in various parts of the body; the mouth, genitals, and even the skin folds. While they're more common in women, men can get them too. If you are familiar with my articles, you’d know that I’m a witty writer but this is a serious topic that I can’t even afford to joke with. Yeast infections can be incredibly uncomfortable, and the itching and burning can make you feel like you're losing your mind. So, let's take a moment to acknowledge that, and face the matter head on (pun intended). First and foremost, if you suspect you have a yeast infection, it's important to see a doctor, trust me. I know as women, sometimes we think we know our bodies very well so when we get the slightest discomfort, we self-medicate. It is wrong. It is only a qualified healthcare personnel that can tell you what is going on down there and how to take care of it. In addition to that, there are some things you can do to prevent yeast infections from occurring in the first place. 1. Avoid wearing tight-fitting clothing or underwear made of synthetic materials e.g LACE PANTIES. Babe, lace underwear is not your friend. I know they’re quite sexy and beautiful to wear but they can trap moisture and create a conducive environment for the fungal growth. I suggest you go for loose-fitting cotton instead and if you must wear lace, make sure you use a PANTY LINER or look out for those with a cotton lining on the inside. 2. It's important to practice good hygiene, particularly in the genital area. This means washing with mild soap and water, wearing clean sun-dried underwear, changing pads and tampons frequently, e.t.c. You must learn to take your hygiene as seriously as that man (or woman) who gives you butterflies in your stomach. 3. Change your under wear frequently. THROW THE OLD ONES AWAY. They are not designer bags and shoes that you should hold on to for the rest of your life. Avoid buying “okrika” underwear, my sisters. DO NOT SHARE your underwear and most importantly, CHANGE your underwear collection after treating a yeast infection. Some persons would advise you to soak them in hot water and dettol, bleach them, etc. Please don’t listen to them. THROW THEM ALL AWAY if you do not want that yeastie beastie back. 4. Reduce the number of sexual partners you have. You can’t say for sure who has what- the lesser your partners are, the safer you might be. It is also easier to nip it in the bud when you’re with only one person. An additional advice; It is not every Tom, Dick and Harry you should let into your cookie jar. If you must, please use protection 🤲🏾. 5. Stop putting things in your vagina; unclean hands and vibrators, untrustworthy penises, dirty mouths, sharp and blunt objects, e.t.c. Same goes to garlic, yoghurt, ice cream, honey, syrup (you know those sweet things you and your partner use to spice things up)- SPOILER ALERT; Sugar causes the bacterial yeast to grow. As a matter of fact, they love sugar. 6. Incorporate the use of probiotics to your daily routine. Probiotics are made up of good bacteria that help fight off the bad ones. It helps ensure that your system is balanced and working properly. In a nutshell, I need you to understand that you are not alone in this battle. Having a yeast infection does not mean that you are dirty. It is not an STD because it can be gotten without sex. However, it can be transferred during oral or vaginal sex. It is caused by numerous things; some of which I have mentioned. I hope you learnt a thing or two from this article. I wish you a very healthy vagina!
By Emaa Ezeifeka
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