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Mwambo Kate COO @ Enchird Technologies Sarl.
city Yaoundé, Cameroon
In Christian Theology 2 min read
Noticed how a lot of preachers can preach sermons that make us FEEL good, and emotional yet not ENOUGH about the man JESUS, his character, his life , Sacrifice , and what it means to follow him? These preachers are everywhere sugar -coating the gospel . Now we see too many preachers but not enough gospel .So many sermons on how to find purpose and not enough on how to follow Christ . So many sermons on what God will do later but not enough of what Jesus commanded us to do now . So many sermons filled with jokes and stories , not enough filled with awe and wonder . So many sermons on our life and not enough of the life of Christ . So many sermons telling us how to be good Christians, not enough about the good news. So many sermons about our purpose and not enough about Christs’ purpose. So many sermons about Old Testament characters on how they relate to us , not enough on how they really point to Christ … We need to remember that the essence of preaching is to bring us closer to the teachings of Jesus, to follow his path and embody his character . Finding purpose is crucial , yes ,but it’s in following Christ that we discover the ultimate purpose . Someone said and I quote “a sermon without Christ as its beginning , middle , and end is a mistake in conception and a crime in execution ‘’ and I couldn’t agree more but unfortunately this is what we see preachers doing these days . Our preachers are sounding more like coaches as days go by . Not enough of God’s word is being executed . We need genuine apostolic and prophetic led churches . The cross of Jesus was and is enough , the gospel should point us to the Father. See what the Bible says ; “For Jews demand signs and Greeks seek wisdom, but we preach Christ crucified , a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles , but those who are called , both Jews and Greeks , Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:22-24 At the end of the day, everyone should strive to know Christ and his word on a personal note . Do you think our present day preachers can do better because I think they can . Let me know in the comment section . 👇🏿
By Mwambo Kate
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