Samuel Ibok Marketing Supervisor @ Crusader Sterling...
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Business Development 3 min read
<p>Working in an organisation with a large employee base affords you the opportunity to interact with people with different backgrounds and worldviews. You will quickly realise that company culture is the product of the good behaviours we reward and the bad behaviours we tolerate. While we may think that we're great people, there are bits of our characters that people are not cool with. It's wise to work on those areas before they cost you something tangible, including your job.&nbsp;</p><p>Communication is one element I think companies should train employees on. How you communicate reveals the values you hold dearly and the level of regard you have for people. Also, it's never too late to learn. It's interesting how even if you have an issue with someone at work, it is expected that you start an official email with-Dear (Name), I trust this email finds you well! Being professional cannot be overemphasized. It's unfortunate that some people cannot disagree respectfully or with DEMURE. Similarly, some people mistake volume for value and being unapologetic for intelligence.&nbsp;</p><p><img src="/media/inline_insight_image/images (66).jpeg" alt=""><br></p><p>Your colleagues are, in a certain sense, your customers! Working in marketing and having to engage with several clients across multiple channels has taught me the thin line between intent and perception. Perception is king! What you say and how you phrase your statements are critical. You can come off as rude if you don't carefully phrase your words. Beyond the words, you have to work on your body language. People can read you clearly. My HOD in marketing emphasises the need to keep your body language in check because marketing is largely psychological.</p><p>I've seen things o. I've seen cases where people outright disrespect their customers. I've had customers enter my DM to correct and report my colleagues. A customer once told me the only reason she would do business with my company was because of my composure and respect. She bluntly said my colleague was rude to her. She said some other things I can't say! I will keep working on my approach because I know it's a journey. Customers see your company the same way they see you. You're an ad, so add and don't subtract! Pay attention to how people respond to your actions and inaction.</p><p><img src="/media/inline_insight_image/images (68).jpeg"><br></p><p>When I pitch to clients, I am mindful of my tone and choice of words. There's a big difference between, please, sir, can I have your attention and saying, Listen to me. Learn to suspend your ego!</p><p>Composure and steeze are a journey, not a destination. Don't work under the folly of NA SO I DE!&nbsp;<span style="background-color: transparent;">It's a small mindset. Remember that even our bodies communicate with us. Headache is communication as well as feeling weak. Ignoring them may be life threatening.</span></p><p>Learn Unl<span style="background-color: transparent;">earn Relearn</span></p><p><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span></p><p><span style="background-color: transparent;">PS: Looks like I've got wings in the Cover Photo. You can say I'm fly!</span></p><p><span style="background-color: transparent;"><br></span></p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
By Samuel Ibok
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