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Samuel Ibok Marketing Supervisor @ Crusader Sterling Pensions Limited
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Nigeria 4 min read
<span class="html-content"><p>Sometimes things fall apart before they fall into place. In 2019, I was scarred for my life.&nbsp;</p><p>I like to think of myself as a good judge of character, and I try to see the best in people, regardless of their potential to do evil. I remember the adrenaline rush I felt on the way to Gembu local government during the 2019 Presidential elections. When the election was postponed by a week, I and other corp members were left stranded at the collation center. I still have a video from that day. It was all laughter for us, and we used what we had just experienced to catch cruise. Just so you know, some officials wanted to leave us in the middle of nowhere. Imagine the madness.&nbsp;</p><p>For the first time in my adult life, I thought I would be part of the history of my dear country. I played by the book during the elections. Oh yeah, I was one of the officers conducting the elections. Ladies and gentlemen of the press, what I witnessed changed my perception of governance, and I nearly lost hope in Nigeria. I remember some touts shouting at me for guiding people. They probably thought that I was telling people whom to vote for. Before I knew it, it got rowdy, and then boom, madness upon madness upon madness. I ran oooo! Woh, I cannot come and do patriotism and lose my life. I ran to some armed men to ask for help, and they told me they couldn't come. I was mad at them because I felt their presence could have tamed the madness. Well, I remembered then that having armed officials during elections is not a good image and could even result in violence.&nbsp;</p><p>The voting was supposed to end around 2 p.m., but we were still there at 7 p.m. I thought the rain would make them leave, but they surrounded the hall we moved into. People were fighting up and down. What if I told you that I saw underage people voting? I witnessed things I can't write about for my safety! What if I told you that some Corp members were paid to rig the elections? I heard stories of corp members who cashed out during the elections and I may have innocently eaten out of it! In the days following the elections, a curfew was announced. We were all scared for our lives. It was difficult to get to PPA because we were frequently attacked by hoodlums on the way.&nbsp;</p><p>The day we were to be paid at the INEC center, we heard sporadic gunshots. My biggest scare was the fact that I just called my friend to come collect his money. He took clips of the bandits, or should I say bad guys... I saw people with serious guns shooting on the road with no remorse. I sha think my friend was crazy because i was praying for his safety while he was doing journalist of the year. What crowned it all was the day I was caught up in violence and asked if I was Christian or Muslim. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat. I thought I had seen it all. I was so afraid that I couldn't feel my heartbeat. Did the Bible mean "fear not" or was it meant to be "fear North"? I thought I was going to die, and I still cringe when the thought flashes through my mind. What would make men take up arms and kill another man? On top wetin abeg... You'll take another man's life so your guy can become king. Strangely, your guy will still sly you in the end. Well, I'm alive and sharing my experience with you. So yeah, in as much as you have plans to vote, do yourself a solid by being very careful.&nbsp;</p><p>The days before elections could be violent. There are people plotting chaos because Nigerians are enthusiastic about voting. We believe we stand a chance to cause real change, but it may cost us the lives of some people. That's the sad reality of things. Try to get back home in time. Wahala no get time but e de sweet for night. Let's swerve a bit. Resist the urge to quarrel in public, particularly over who will win the elections. Your life is more important than your vote. Keep your doors locked and be mindful of those around you. Have sufficient food in your house, and always have extra cash in your purse. It could save your life. Stay updated on the situation in the country. I mean, you should check the news often. You may think I'm being extreme, as though an apocalypse is about to happen. But it's best if you are ready because Nigeria can shock you. Election day is when you should be most careful. You are not required to inform everyone about your preferred candidate. Equally, ignore all appearances of evil. Be mindful of your environment because anyone can collect. And yeah, be careful online too. You may jokingly say, "Come to my house and beat me," but someone could trace you and deal with you. Finally, try de kabash before leaving home.<br></p> <p>In the end, let's all be careful and let the best candidate win.&nbsp;</p><p>Hopefully!!!</p> </span>
By Samuel Ibok
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