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In Education 3 min read
<p>A brand new day 🌹.</p><p>"Success starts with every challenge,not from the comfort zone" right?</p><p>But today I would be talking about what makes the difference and that's "Vision"</p><p><br></p><p>Vision is a mental picture of what could be fueled by passion and purpose. Read that again.</p><p><br></p><p>Meaning even if you leave your comfort zone with vision then success isn't going to be attained.</p><p><br></p><p>There are three types of Goals</p><p># A Type Goal- You know how to do it&nbsp;</p><p># B Type Goal - You think you can do it&nbsp;</p><p># C Type Goal- What you really want to do.</p><p><br></p><p>When you know types of goals ,you would be able to picture your vision well and know which is which.</p><p>Now let's talk about types of visions that are common and everyone knows</p><p>1. Personal Vision&nbsp;</p><p>2. Corporate Vision ( community,team,organisation).</p><p><br></p><p>The question now is Why Is Vision Important?</p><p>1. For direction and focus. Without vision you will only live longevity in life and not fulfillment as simple as that. Nothing to even make an impact on.</p><p>2. It helps your decision making .Because every decision made or you should make should come from a place of vision.</p><p>3. Motivation and inspiration. When you have a place ( vision) that you are going to ,you get motivated even in down times because it isn't about the journey but the destination. The price at the end.</p><p>4. Purpose and meaning. Vision is important to fulfill purpose,a desire without a vision will be a fantasy.</p><p><br></p><p>The Power Of Vision&nbsp;</p><p># Vision precedes provision ( Resources will follow vision).</p><p># Vision precedes action ( it drives decision making).</p><p># Vision precedes achievement ( vision determines success)</p><p># Vision attracts success ( like minded people would be drawn to share vision.</p><p><br></p><p>Now that we've talked about how powerful vision is ,how can you identify,what you have is vision ?</p><p>1. A vision is well defined and specific. Not complicated at all.</p><p>2. It inspires and motivates. When you think about it ,it gives you a drive.</p><p>3. Easy to understand and communicate. You can easily share with someone what it is.</p><p>4. A vision is challenging. It stretches and pushes you beyond your current limit.</p><p><br></p><p>I know what you're thinking about 😜, obstacles!!!!!</p><p>Yes there will be , it's not easy to make an impact. There will definitely be obstacles like&nbsp;</p><p>✨ Fear</p><p>✨Doubt&nbsp;</p><p>✨Lack of clarity&nbsp;</p><p>✨ Limited thinking&nbsp;</p><p>✨ Distractions&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>All of this could be solved by;</p><p>✨ Believe in yourself and your vision. You're your first fan. Cheers yourself up.</p><p>✨ Celebrate your little wins. Every step taking and accomplished celebrate it.</p><p>✨ Write down your goals .&nbsp;</p><p>✨ Read books . Books are eyes openers every thing I have improved on came from a place of reading and discovering things people have gone ahead of me gave a note about.</p><p>✨Stay focused. Yorubas would say you have no business with the noise in the market but the person you are bargain with. Your eyes on your vision and nothing else. Someone is ahead ,glory to God. Your own pace is all that matters.</p><p><br></p><p>How can you now really cultivate vision,you have not had one before or don't know how to go about it.</p><p>1. Prayer and reflection&nbsp;</p><p>2. Self discovery. Know who you are, what's your value ,your strength,your passion. Answer them and get to work.</p><p>3. Write down your vision. Pun it to pen and paper be intentional.</p><p>4.Share your vision. For accountability and support.</p><p><br></p><p>I hope I have been able to give someone that push they need to fulfil purpose and get it right. It's never too late as long as you have breath and your sanity. Have a blessed day ☺️.</p><p><br></p><p>Selah 🕊️&nbsp;</p>
By Precious Oniyide
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