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Oluseyi Vandy Freelance writer, audio producer, 3D modelling
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Content Creators 3 min read
Why Some Contents Have The Most Engagement
If you're big on social media and content creation, chances are you already speak the language of the algorithm, if you don't? It's cool I got you. An algorithm is that rich, cool kid that knows everyone and can get you into the hottest parties and with the right crowd that you fantasize about meeting if the cool kid was a machine. But for this to happen, you have to be LOUD; you can take it and be that friend or relative that always speaks to you like you both are at a party and they are fighting to not let the music drown any word that leaves their lips, or be undeniable; by this I mean even your critic or hater will never come at you for your skill or lack thereof. But here is the thing, you could be The World's greatest like Ali but if no one knows of you, that title is going to be what your closest friends will drag with everyone they meet. So, why is it that some people even with less effort and creativity get more engagement? Here are some reasons. 1. They post consistently: While you ponder the mysteries of life in how to become the next social media breakout star, someone just picks up a phone, hits record, and says "this is sobo, cold sobo." Then hit send, they then rinse and repeat. Who do you think will get people looking their way more, one with 10 posts or one with 3? 2. Engaging with other posts: On a page, I followed on Instagram, I noticed under every post there's this one person whose comment, unfailingly is "who else is high right now?" It got so bad that people reply complaining, but guess what comment Instagram highlights every time I look at the page comment section? And I bet the followers of that page would never say they don't know him. This is an extreme case, but it just shows that if you interact well with others consistently, you stand out. Another case is Daniel Regha, he is literally known for just commenting on posts, no offense. 3. Captions: I know some would say that captions don't mean anything, especially in places like Instagram that is esthetic and media driven, but the right punchy, funny, and engaging caption can cause even the most silent observers to drop a "LOL" or emoji which shows the algorithm that this post is not just keeping people on the platform, but getting them to reveal more about themselves and their interests, so it's easier to know what ads to hit them with later that they may be interested in. Here's the thing, the algorithm needs you as much as you need it. So you scratch its back and it rewards you with more reach. 4. Do contents you genuinely enjoy: If your content does not excite you, then the odds are that the next man will not even want to look at it because majorly people no get joy, that is part of the reason they are scrolling online... for joy givers, whether it's that comedian, the picture of that fine boy or girl, that celebrity, that thing they've always fantasized about buying, or that person that says what they want to hear or cooks the vawulence they want to use cold zobo or beer to wash down. Give them that joy and they will look for you.  Sometimes, the reality is your personality sells the content more than the creativity. People love to feel like they know you, so that forms a kind of bond which causes them to engage with what you create like they would for a close friend or family member.
Why Some Contents Have The Most Engagement
By Oluseyi Vandy
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Oluseyi Vandy is the most viewed writer in
Content Creators, Technology.

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