Senior Digital Communications Analyst @ Oando Plc
This Session has closed
About Toyin Jolapamo
Toyin Jalapamo has over 7 years experience in digital communications and has worked in the Oil and Gas industry since 2015. She is currently a senior digital communications analyst at one of Nigeria's foremost indigenous oil and gas companies. She is responsible for online reputation management for the company's C-suite executives and for development, implementation and evaluation of the company's digital communication strategy. Toyin has a Law and Social Anthropology degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and holds a digital marketing certification from the American Marketing Association and the University of Arts, London.
Faith Sani
Feb. 10, 2021, 5:45 p.m.
Hi Toyin, I'm Sani Faith and I really enjoyed your session today. I want to ask, you talked about A/B testing on marketing platforms, how does it work because I have tried using it but didn't understand its logic?. I would like you to shed more light on it, ma'am. Thank you.
4 Answer requests

Ebubechukwu Iwenjora
city Port Harcourt, Nigeria Feb. 10, 2021, 11:37 p.m.
Hi Toyin, my name is Ebubechukwu. I was at your lecture earlier today. Thank you very much for taking our time to talk to us. I have a question though. During the session you made a statement “ don’t just want customers, you want to make repeat customers who eventually become brand ambassadors”. My question is, how do you make repeat customers for your brand?
3 Answer requests

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:37 a.m.
Hi Ebechukwu, 

It was my pleasure. There's a lot that goes to creating brand ambassadors; the obvious place to start being with a good product, seamless experience and impeccable customer service. 
On the marketing side, here are a few things you can do:
- Encouraging user generated content and tapping into your customers creativity, remember to reward them!
- Nurture your relationships with your customers and offer value at every point you come in contact with them, you can think of the kind of information you share on SM, or in your e-mail marketing campaigns, etc.  P.S. people also like personalised messages
- Ask for feedback and take the feedback - make them feel heard and like they are an active and useful part of your brand. 
- Create an online community

Opeyemi Babalola
Feb. 11, 2021, 9:22 a.m.
Hi Toyin. My name is Opeyemi Babalola. Thank you for answering my question about NdaniTV and also your insightful session. I would like you to recommend agencies you suguest will be good for someone who is about to go into digital marketing proper. Also, I would like to ask you for your personal social media handles, If that's not too much. It's just that I be graduating soon and I need all the connect that comes my way. Thank you so much
2 Answer requests

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:39 a.m.
Hi Opeyemi, 

I'd recommend Wild Fusions; I think they are the best digital agency in Nigeria and have a good balance of expertise and creativity. Anakle is a close second, definitely with a more creative and daring element, but both great places to gain experience and work with some really bright minds. 

Sure thing! I'm @ToyinJolapamo on Twitter and Instagram. LinkedIn is my name. 

Oluwasegun Adewola
Feb. 10, 2021, 5:18 p.m.
Hi Toyin, its Segun I don't have a question I just wanted to say that, I really enjoyed the class and learnt a whole lot. I am personally going to work on a whole new strategy and try and humanize my small business Thank you so much.
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:50 a.m.
Hi Olusegun! 

I'm glad to hear this. Do keep in touch and let me know how you get on. Feel free to message me on LinkedIn - Toyin Jolapamo

Ebenezer Usih
Feb. 10, 2021, 8:06 p.m.
Hi Toyin, thank you so much for your session today, it was an eye-opener. I have a question. How do businesses higher up in the value chain effectively utilise social media marketing, for example, a farmer can't just snap his farmland and #Land on instagram, that would be very awkward, but someone down the chain, like a retailer of processed agricultural goods can freely and easily advertise his product on social media.
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:50 a.m.
Hi Ebenezer, 

I think this is a really interesting question because a farmer can take great pictures of his/her products and share it on Instagram. It's all about creativity and how you are able to tell a story. His/Her problem will be less about the platform and the ability to reach his/her customers but more about exposure, he/she should definitely not be #land though because that isn't their product, depending on their products, they can look at more popular hashtags like #greens #healthyeating #organic, etc. I have a cousin who is pretty much a farmer, he also makes juices from his products, but check out his page, they sometimes just post images of the farm and the produce - @simplygreen.farms. 

I hope this answers your question, if he doesn't feel free to clarify further. 

Ayomipo Aderinwale
Feb. 10, 2021, 11:50 p.m.
Hello Toyin. Today’s class was very enlightening and knowledgeable. Thanks for your impart of knowledge. To my question, does the quality of content you put out determine the feedback or just consistent putting out content would build an audience???
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:50 a.m.
Hello Ayomipo, 

I'm glad you found the class useful. There is a general rule with quality, it always comes over quantity. LOL. Consistency is also very key, so is creativity and finding ways to engage your audience. 

Egwari Michael
Feb. 11, 2021, 10:46 a.m.
Hi Toyin thank you for the awesome lecture given yesterday, i have a question, "how do we deal with competition while promoting your brand"?
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:54 a.m.
Hello Michael, 

You must treat your competition like your best friend, you always need to be ware of what steps they are taking, so you can stay one step ahead. In some instances, partner with your competition, they already have target audience you need, why not tap into that, if they are happy to. 


Peter Kayode
Feb. 11, 2021, 1:59 p.m.
Hi, It's Peter. I asked the question on knowing your target audience's Psychographics, Motivational and Behavioral Traits. This is like a follow up question I am aware that there are several details when it comes to Positioning and Segmentations of brands. After properly defining your Target, How can you properly deduce your "Positioning Statement" ?
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:58 a.m.
Hi Peter, 

I think your positioning statement needs to take into account making your product seem meaningful and appealing to your niche audience. You want to focus on how the product/service appeals to them, and what makes your service/product stand out. Also think about your brands identity, values and your vision. 

Ebunoluwa Akinola
Feb. 11, 2021, 7:19 p.m.

Hello Toyin. Thank you for your eye opening lecture on Digital being the new name, it made me understand so much about the impact of branding and the countless opportunities available in the digital space. My question is this: How were you able to overcome learning challenges or barriers when faced with projects outside your scope or strengths. Looking forward to your response :)

1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 2:04 a.m.
Hello Ebunoluwa, 

I'm glad you found the session useful. 

My approach to life is that I'll never get given anything I cannot deal with, so the fact that I'm faced with that particular challenge means I have the ability to overcome it.  Then, I go into learning, it's my first point of call with most things. Not necessarily structured learning, I spend a lot of time reading, not books, just blogs and articles on things I am curious about, or need knowledge on, sometimes I turn to podcasts, or videos - an easier way to learn for me. In this space, you have to cultivate a culture of learning as it is so dynamic and forever evolving. I also rely a lot on my network, no one is an Island right? You cannot be an expert at everything, so rely on people who can offer their expertise when you need it, or coach you. 

Temiloluwa Oladunni
Feb. 11, 2021, 8:30 p.m.
Good evening Miss Toyin Based on your lecture on Wednesday, I want to ask a question. As an aspiring digital marketer and social media manager, how do you suggest I kick my career off? In terms of SIWES placement; which I'm about to embark on, internships and/entry level jobs. If you could suggest one or two companies I could train at too, that would be really appreciated. Thank you!
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 2:07 a.m.
Hello Temiloluwa, 

I thin you can start with your personal brand - start to build your own brand, do some research and reading, and gain an understanding of social media on your own. I think you should also aim to work at an agency, just to gain as much experience as possible from as many experts and creatives as possible. I always mention Wild Fusions and Anakle - they are two places to gain knowledge from a digital marketing standpoint. I am sure there are a whole lot of other digital agencies that you can get great experience from, but definitely try to start off in an agency. 

David Afolabi
Feb. 11, 2021, 9:04 p.m.
Hi Toyin, I am David, I enjoyed the session with you on Wednesday. My question for you, Is social media marketing better for B2C or B2B businesses?
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 2:09 a.m.
Hello David, 

I'm glad you did. 

Social media marketing isn't better for one type of business, it may be easier for B2Cs because you have a physical product or service to sell, however in terms of value being created, I don't think anyone is better. 

Boma Nemieboka
Feb. 12, 2021, 4:29 a.m.

Hey Toyin, it's Boma from Covenant University, I've been thinking, how do you know early if you are losing your target market and need to change your audience.

1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 2:14 a.m.
Hello Boma, 

Another great thing about digital, it's all in the the data. You're able to see instantly if people are engaging with your posts, or are taking the required action you need. It's not always about the target audience though, it can be your content strategy that needs to be changed. Unless your product or the market change significantly, I don't think there is ever a reason to  completely change your audience as that is often tied to the kind of product you are providing, most times you are looking at a more focused segment of the audience as oppose to a complete change - for example, I started off targeting black women for my makeup line, but now I have a new product that will make your eyes pop and look bigger, so whilst I am marketing generally to black women, I want to further target black women who have small eyes. Unless you reached the wrong target audience from the start, then you need a complete overhaul. 

Rhoda Adebonojo
Feb. 12, 2021, 4:39 a.m.
Hi Toyin, I am Rhoda Adebonojo. Thank you for the lecture on Wednesday, it was really insightful. To my question, aside personal branding, what other ways can one expand their reach as a social media marketer. You mentioned something about regretting not starting out as a digital marketer by working with an agency. What digital marketing agencies can you suggest and how does one position themselves for such an opportunity?
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 2:17 a.m.
Hello Rhoda, 

Be intentional about your online presence by doing your own research and learning and using that to grow your personal brand, if that's the way you want to go, or other brands. I think also try to attend trainings, seminars, etc and meet other people in the space. Wild Fusions and Anakle are the top digital agencies for me, but there are a bunch of others out there 

Pemi Ogunkeye
Feb. 12, 2021, 7:17 a.m.
Hi Toyin, thank you so much for the class on Wednesday. I'll like to know if videos are more efficient than pictures in reaching your audience. Also, is email marketing still efficient in today's world? And please, what do you think are the most common mistakes to avoid in digital marketing.
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 12:41 p.m.
Hello Pemi, 

Video is the present and future of content marketing, and people generally gravitate towards video, so it is a really effective way to reach your audience, but you mustn't ignore other content formats that may be more useful in getting a particular message across. Yes, email is still very efficient and has a very high Return On Investment (ROI). Some of the most common mistakes are not understanding your audience, not giving your strategies/plans enough time to give the desired results, not evolving and being so afraid of failing you take no chances. 

Joseph Nduka
Feb. 12, 2021, 10:14 a.m.
Hi I'm Nduka Joseph and I was in your class on Digital marketing. I wanted to ask if you any tips for a beginner trying to enter the world of brand management and PR without having a brand of your own. And also I had a constructive argument with a friend after the calss and I wanted to ask; What role does PR and advertising have to do with branding and how important are they to the process?
1 Answer request

Tamunoimim Kalada-Green
Feb. 12, 2021, 2:36 p.m.
Hi Toyin. I am interested in becoming a freelance social media marketer. How do I build my personal brand in order to attract clients before I land my first job? My name is Tamunoimim Kalada-Green
1 Answer request

Mercy Onojake
Feb. 12, 2021, 3:36 p.m.
Good afternoon ma. Ma, I want to ask if there's a tool that can help in kknowing the timing most of one's target audience will be online so as to create content within that time range and get a large reach in a short time. Also, if there are such tools could you identify them ma? Thank you Ma.
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 12:51 p.m.
Hello Mercy, 

Yes, there are tools that give you a good insight into the best posting times on social. You can look at Hootsuite and Sprout. Those are two I have used personally, but I'm sure there are a lot more you can find and try out. 

Olalekan Adefila
Feb. 12, 2021, 9:34 p.m.
In your long stretches of involvement, disclose to us a couple of occasions where you got your showcasing system wrong in the wake of having spent conceivably a large number of Naira and needed to disclose this to your chief or managers - how could you handle this?
1 Answer request

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 12:56 p.m.
Thankfully, I never just dive into spending large sums of Naira, because of the space I work in, I am always able to see what's performing well and change gears very quickly. This is not to say that I have not had some campaigns perform poorly. In fact there was a particular campaign we launched in 2019, it did so well, and we tried it again in 2020 thinking because there are more people online, the campaign will perform better, but it didn't. In this situation, I simply laid out some of the assumptions we made that were wrong, some of the learnings, and how we intended to pick up the slack, because it was a campaign that contributed to our overall goal, so when we realised that we had fallen short, we needed to be creative about how we could get the same traction on other campaigns. 

Oluwasegun Adewola
Feb. 10, 2021, 5:18 p.m.
Hi Toyin, its Segun I don't have a question I just wanted to say that, I really enjoyed the class and learnt a whole lot. I am personally going to work on a whole new strategy and try and humanize my small business Thank you so much.
0 Answer requests

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 12:57 p.m.
Thank you for your kind words Segun!

Temiloluwa Adekunle
Feb. 10, 2021, 10:20 p.m.
Why is not using Snapchat an issue about digital literacy?
0 Answer requests

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:02 p.m.
I'm not sure I entirely understand your question, but I think you're asking if there are some apps that you should not use in marketing. I think snapchat is a very useful tool, especially when you are trying to reach the younger demographic, understanding that the app is made for you to share short, memorable and effective messaging that people can get in the first few seconds. If Snapchat didn't have an effective model, then the likes of Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn would not have  incorporated stories. However, because there is such a huge crossover in terms of people using multiple platforms now, it's probably best to focus on the ones that will yield you the best results depending on what your objectives are. 

Phoebe Salami
Feb. 10, 2021, 11:08 p.m.
Hi Toyin,, I'm Phoebe Salami thank you for taking out time to enlighten us all. Thank you. At some point while answering one of the questions about the tools that can be used, you said it can be expensive. So my question is how much does digital marketing or preferably social media marketing cost?
0 Answer requests

Daniel Abimbola
Feb. 11, 2021, 12:23 a.m.
Hii Toyin, I’m Daniel Abimbola. I attended your virtual class and I was really imparted. Thank you very much for your outpour of knowledge. My question is, “how does one brand his talent?” I.e writing talent
0 Answer requests

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:07 p.m.
Hi Daniel, 

I think for this you just need to put yourself out there. Write more, put your writing online, on Medium, LinkedIn, even Twitter. Work towards becoming a contributor on platforms that are aligned with your style of writing. Build the right connections by going to writers workshops, interacting with the right people online, etc. 

Also, it sounds random, but make it clear you are a writer, use your bios wisely. 

At the end of the day, you want people to search your name and see your writing skills. 

Nathaniel Obaseki
Feb. 11, 2021, 12:27 a.m.
Hi Toyin , thank you for taking time out to speak with us. I would like to ask a question and it goes thus; How can I scale up in terms skills if I want to switch careers
0 Answer requests

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:10 p.m.
Hi Nathaniel, 

First things first, Google is your friend. Find useful resources online, there's a lot of useful material on LinkedIn as well. Take courses, depending on what it is, you may be able to find free courses. Find people in the space you're looking for to mentor you. Also remember, a lot of skills are transferrable, so look for ways you can change gears with the skills you have gained previously and use it to ad value to your new career. 

Eze Franklyn
Feb. 11, 2021, 3:26 a.m.
hey toyin, thank you for taking out time to be with us yesterday it was awesome having you speak to us Please I would like to ask a question on how a person can build an online presence for his brand most especially if your brand is a small/medium scale or its just a starting brand and you feel having that online presence would boost your brand I wanted to know like what and what is required like the space i have to be on, how I locate my target market and stuff like that Thank you.
0 Answer requests

Korede Bamigbetan
Feb. 11, 2021, 5:22 a.m.
Hi Toyin, my name is Korede. I just wanted to say thank you for the class, it was really enlightening.
0 Answer requests

Teyi Adzufeh
Feb. 11, 2021, 9:12 a.m.
Hi Toyin! Teyi here. I attended your virtual class yesterday and it was a very insightful session. I'll like to know how one can promote their brand online if it is sports-related. Thank you.
0 Answer requests

Olufemi Joshua
Feb. 11, 2021, 10:04 a.m.
Hi Toyin, Thank you for your insights yesterday, I would like to find out how I can promote my brand as a Musician(Pianist and Producer).
0 Answer requests

Precious Ogele
Feb. 11, 2021, 1:16 p.m.
Hi Toyin, my name is Precious Ogele. Thank you very much for your lecture yesterday, it was very impactful and enlightening. I’m a content creator but it’s mostly writing. I want to find out what platform is best for my type of content. If maybe I should stick to Instagram or open a blog or any other platform . Thank you
0 Answer requests

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:12 p.m.
Hello Precious, 

You should explore Medium. It's a platform for writers. You can eventually start your own blog, but try and build consistency on medium and also get some inspiration and maybe start building a community. Don't ignore LinkedIn and Twitter. 

Emmanuella Umoru
Feb. 11, 2021, 2:55 p.m.
Good Afternoon Toyin, thanks again for the amazing lecture yesterday. My question is How do you brand an individual? You taught us how we can create a good strategy for a company or an organization, How do you do that for an individual like for example a musician
0 Answer requests

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:14 p.m.
Hello Emmanuella, 

It's the same strategy really. It may even be slightly easier for a person depending what their personality is. Think Obama, he already has such a great personality and charisma that it would've been easy to build on that and amplify this brand we see today. 


Oghale Ebebeinwe
Feb. 11, 2021, 6:06 p.m.
Hi Toyin, thank you for taking out time to talk to us yesterday. I would like to ask if you could give some tips on how to position one's self effectively as a personal brand on social media.
0 Answer requests

Ifeoluwa Adeoye
Feb. 11, 2021, 6:07 p.m.
Hi Toyin. My name is Ife. How can you tell people who you are as a brand?
0 Answer requests

Mary Beyioku
Feb. 11, 2021, 6:11 p.m.
Hi Toyin, thank you so much for yesterdays class I wanted to verify the name of the tool you mentioned that can be used for SEO Also what are the beautiful things you experienced being a digital marketer.
0 Answer requests

Mary Beyioku
Feb. 11, 2021, 6:11 p.m.
Hi Toyin, thank you so much for yesterdays class I wanted to verify the name of the tool you mentioned that can be used for SEO Also what are the beautiful things you experienced being a digital marketer.
0 Answer requests

Chioma Anah
Feb. 12, 2021, 3:14 a.m.

Goodmorning Toyin,

Thank you so much for a wonderful class

 please, how do you use your interest to determine what you want to do in specific and would actually bring in profit and how do you start about setting goals?

Thank you

0 Answer requests

Oluwatomisin Aregbesola
Feb. 12, 2021, 3:18 a.m.
Hi Toyin. Thank you so much for the class. I’d like to know what specific skills you think are important for a digital marketer to possess..
0 Answer requests

Chinenye Udechukwu
Feb. 12, 2021, 7:26 a.m.
Hey, Toyin! I just wanted to ask how you did it. How did you get to such a stage in your career?
0 Answer requests

Adegoke Abiola
Feb. 12, 2021, 7:47 a.m.

Hey Toyin! what marketing communication tools do you combine for your digital campaigns?

0 Answer requests

Boluwatife Erogbogbo
Feb. 12, 2021, 8:24 a.m.

Hi toyin my name is boluwatife, I was at your session the other day and I really enjoyed it. I have a question for you though. My mum has a business and she is trying to market it online. How consistent does she have to be with posting content, like a timeline to keep her customers interested and what softwares can I easily use to get her target audience.

0 Answer requests

Oluwabukola Inubiwon
Feb. 12, 2021, 8:55 a.m.

Hi Toyin, I'm Bukola. Have you ever used email as a form of digital marketing? If you have, in what ways do you prevent your emails from just ending up in the spam folder?

Also, with apps like YouTube where videos are promoted based on the algorithm, do paid ads run based on the algorithm or not?

0 Answer requests

Chidimma Obiekwe
Feb. 12, 2021, 9:08 a.m.
Hi I’m Chidimma Obiekwe,, I really enjoyed your session about digital marketing. I just wanted to ask how the seo tool for targeting works .
0 Answer requests

Joseph Nduka
Feb. 12, 2021, 10:15 a.m.
Hi I'm Nduka Joseph and I was in your class on Digital marketing. I wanted to ask if you any tips for a beginner trying to enter the world of brand management and PR without having a brand of your own. And also I had a constructive argument with a friend after the calss and I wanted to ask; What role does PR and advertising have to do with branding and how important are they to the process?
0 Answer requests

Inemesit Akpan
Feb. 12, 2021, 10:23 a.m.
Hey Ms. Toyin. I am Inemesit (or Happiness) from Mr. Gideon's EDS class. I want to know how you got views on your blog, i am a blogger myself.
0 Answer requests

Chigozie Igwe Chuks
Feb. 12, 2021, 3:03 p.m.
Thank you for your lecture on Wednesday
0 Answer requests

Abraham Ajani
Feb. 12, 2021, 3:58 p.m.
How can you effectively manage your time when relating to digital marketing?
0 Answer requests

Sarah Sunmola
Feb. 12, 2021, 8:23 p.m.
Hi Toyin, thank you for the lecture it really gave me great insights into digital marketing and using social influence. I just have one question. You talked about regretting not having an agency before working with Oando, i would like to know how exactly that affected your work and if it is possible to remedy it at this point in your career.
0 Answer requests

Toyin Jolapamo
Senior Digital Communic... @ Oando Plc
city Lagos Feb. 14, 2021, 1:17 p.m.
Hello Sarah, 

I'm glad you found it useful. 

I just wish I had more experience working with a lot of other brands and also other experts. As you can imagine, our comms team in Oando will not have as many experts in the digital space as an agency that focuses on just digital. In my role, I have been able to work with agencies though so I have picked up a lot from them. I have also just made sure to upskill myself constantly and also worked for other brands in my spare time. 

Celestine Okafor
Feb. 13, 2021, 11:39 a.m.
Hello, I attended the EDS class you took on Wednesday’s and my question for you is what are the challenges you’ve encountered in digital marketing especially in the area of target marketing as a whole and how have you been able to solve them.
0 Answer requests

Joshua Iyasei
Feb. 15, 2021, 6:48 p.m.
Hi Miss Toyin... I am Joshua Iyasei, your Wednesday’s session was thorough and insightful. I got inspired by the course, our discussion charted, from start to finish. I would like to know how businesses find the balance between brand promise and brand delivery, in order not to sound overly shiny and deliver so little. Thank you
0 Answer requests

Oluwabiyi Campbell
Feb. 15, 2021, 11:14 p.m.
Good evening Toyin. I really enjoyed your class on Wednesday and particularly loved the example you gave of the “Oando: Hero and Villian” campaign. I wanted to know, how do you go about determining what customers or viewers will actually like or what will catch their attention? Do you feel whatever can appeal to the team will also appeal to your audience or is there another way you determine what the audience will like to see (what is pleasing or attention grabbing to their eyes)
0 Answer requests

Praise Obafemi
Feb. 15, 2021, 11:45 p.m.
Hi Toyin, I'm Praise. I attended your virtual lecture on Digital Marketing and I was really imparted. I just wanted to ask, is it necessary to have social media management skills as a digital marketer or can that always be outsourced?
0 Answer requests

Praise Obafemi
Feb. 15, 2021, 11:45 p.m.
Hi Toyin, I'm Praise. I attended your virtual lecture on Digital Marketing and I was really imparted. I just wanted to ask, is it necessary to have social media management skills as a digital marketer or can that always be outsourced?
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