Creative Director @ Thalia Bespoke Nigeria
This Session has closed
About Yewande Orenuga
Till date I consider starting up Thalia Bespoke Nigeria as the most amazing thing I have done, I get to explore my creative side while empowering young women (free training), slowly building a space for myself in the industry, locally and very soon globally.
These interview questions were brought to you by TwoCents and Pasheda Temitope


What informed your decision to create bespoke clothes as opposed to ready-to-wear?

Yewande Orenuga
We also make ready to wear pieces. I am really big on perfect fit, that is best achieved with bespoke. Size charts are generic, you can have a person have a size 6 upper body and a size 12 lower body, bespoke caters to that. 



In your opinion, how much of an influence has your personal style had on your creative designs?

Yewande Orenuga
It has an influence on my designs but it isn’t limited to my style especially because fashion should be an expression of ones likes and personality, you cannot force yours on your clients. 

Any and everything influences my designs, ranges from music, clients body type, colors to even a clients budget. Its why you need to be open minded, to be aware of trends but deciding what works best. Mind over matter



Why did you decide to choose fashion designing as a career?

Yewande Orenuga
I honestly was not interested in a 9-5. I wanted something in the creative space. I tried radio but that was dependent on a lot of other factors. I needed something that i could kick off myself and depended largely on my skills or know how. 

Before i learnt to sew, i was already designing. So i decide to learn to sew. It started as a hobby, i didn’t understand why people were making silly errors like zippers not being straight or darts not aligning. People loved what i was making and i also enjoyed designing and making new outfits. 

So I thought why not? Its not everyone that gets to do what they love.  



What are some of your best-selling designs or pieces?

Yewande Orenuga
Most recently the Tosin dress, the funny story is I reluctantly did it and it wasn’t a dress at the time, it was a skirt. I tried making it look different for a photoshoot, so i wore it, pinned it in a few place and took a picture. The number of “this looks great” that followed was so surprising, so it became a dress. 



Would you say your designs are original to your brand?

Yewande Orenuga
Yes, very true. Simple, elegant pieces that can be repurposed. 



What are some brands and fashion houses that have had a huge influence on you?

Yewande Orenuga
Style temple and Mai are two of my favorite fashion houses. Style temple because they just ooze originality, simplicity and effortless style. Mai because he has successfully catered to both men and women beautifully. 



5 tips for retaining clients and maintaining good customer relationships.

Yewande Orenuga
- Be courteous.
- Listen.
- Be a dependable brand.
- When at fault be sure you acknowledge it and apologize 
- Whether its their first of 206th time purchasing an item, make them feel appreciated.



What are some of the major challenges you have experienced in starting a fashion company or startup?

Yewande Orenuga
The major challenge for me was finding skilled workers. There are a lot of semi skilled artisans in the fashion industry.  A lot of them also don’t see beyond what they know, you might get a lot of “this is not possible” just because they haven’t seen it before. Its definitely an advantage if you are trained. 

Also at the beginning deciding the audience i wanted to appeal to was not something i thought of, it made everything stressful trying to appeal to everyone. Your target audience determines a lot of things, from branding downright to price points. Are you a luxury brand or are you looking at mass production. It’s important you decide from the go, yes, you can change the brands direction as you go but you need to have a direction in the first place. 



What specific skills and requirements would someone need to have in order to go into fashion desinging fulltime?

Yewande Orenuga
The most important in my opinion is creativity. You need to have an open and curious mind.  Constantly finding new ways to make clothes appealing. Creativity ranges from knowing how to sketch to combining colors and textures to make unique pieces.

Communication and interpersonal skills is very important. You should be able to explain your design in a detailed way to the production team to understand. You will also meet different clients (especially with bespoke) you should be able to keep conversation going and make sure you understand the clients needs. Its also super important in building business relationships with your vendors. 

Pattern drafting and tailoring skills  are important. Its easier to explain to the production team if you have an idea of how the sketch design can go from a drawing to a 3 dimensional piece. 

It’s important to be business savvy. This will help with costing and pricing. You don’t want to waste resources and you want to get the best deals.



What are 2 things commonly said about Fashion Design that you've found to be completely untrue.

Yewande Orenuga
“You don’t need to know how to sew” this isn’t good advice, you should have basic tailoring skills, if you can help it.

You also don’t need to have your own fashion house. You can be a free lance fashion designer. 


Ejiro Ukpeibo
Feb. 26, 2021, 11:15 a.m.
Basically what are the things one have to put in place in order to be a great fashion designer, outsides having the basic requirements like your machines, and other tools....
1 Answer request

Yewande Orenuga
Creative Director @ Thalia Bespoke Ni...
city Lagos Feb. 27, 2021, 2:54 p.m.
Practice everyday. I honestly just started that. A sketch a day.
Be open minded and soak yourself in your creative juice. 
Read. Read and read. 
Be in tune with what is going on in the fashion industry and the creative industry in general.
Technology is gradually becoming a part of our business, see how innovation can make your work easier. Don’t be afraid of technology, embrace it. 
Basically be present and keep thinking. 

Temitope Akintade
Feb. 26, 2021, 11:45 a.m.
I have a kid sister that is quite a talented make up artist but she would like to expand beyond her locality. What advice would you give her do this?
0 Answer requests

Yewande Orenuga
Creative Director @ Thalia Bespoke Ni...
city Lagos Feb. 27, 2021, 3 p.m.
Collaborations are a beautiful way to cut across someone else’s following or clientele. She might want to look into that, Instagram ads also work in getting attention, that will mean she has great content already to draw people in enough to make enquires and pay for her service.

We often take word of mouth for granted, its still a very effective way of getting clients and its best when its from a client who has tried your product or paid for your services. Always offer get service so your customers can be your town criers. You can ask they please put in word for you in their circles as well.

Divine Kingsley-Ediale
Feb. 26, 2021, 12:26 p.m.
Hi, Yewande. Thank you for your time. I want to ask, what are the best ways modern technology can be incorporated into fashion design?
0 Answer requests

Yewande Orenuga
Creative Director @ Thalia Bespoke Ni...
city Lagos Feb. 27, 2021, 3:20 p.m.
Awesome question. Technology is here to stay, always evolving and its best to get with it. When the pandemic started shows became an irresponsible thing to do and we saw a few fashion brands think big, we saw a 3d fashion show. No one had to leave their house to see Hanifa’s collection. It was impressive that the first fashion house to do it was an African brand. 

There are still so many ways technology can enhance fashion design. The question is if we are ready to do the work. I have a friend who says “how come the only way to measure someone is still with a tape measure” other industries have progressed. 

I think the best way is to think of ways we can make our processes seamless and easier. 

Isaac Trance Ogbodo Application Implementat... @ Interswitch
city Lagos, Nigeria Feb. 28, 2021, 10:03 p.m.
Hi Yewande! I've read through this session and it's really been inspiring. Although this session is almost ending, I have two pressing questions. First is about finding out those challenges in the fashion industry (especially at start up level) that people don't talk about, the struggle with mental health and certain hurdles that people would ordinarily down play. The second one is about staying original, staying true to your style and standing out amidst competition. Thank you.
0 Answer requests

Yewande Orenuga
Creative Director @ Thalia Bespoke Ni...
city Lagos March 1, 2021, 8:31 a.m.
Hi Isaac, i am glad you find the answers useful. To the first question, finding tailors was a major problem for me mostly because i had no interest in actually sitting on a machine. I personally do not enjoy it. I also started with no direction in mind i just kept saying i wanted to do ready to wear but didn’t think of basic things like the kind of clients i wanted to cater to and how i can get them. The tailors that were very good were expensive, I couldn’t afford them but i went ahead and got one regardless. The business was barely surviving i had to let him go.Knowing your target audience is important so if they aren’t in your immediate circle, you have do something else short term to get noticed by your actual target audience. Getting clients was a problem because my social circle is extremely small and were also in my tax bracket while i was aiming for people outside that bracket.It is also important that whenyou give someone a discount, make sure you tell them it is a discount.Learning and restrategizing is the most important thing. When something isn’t working find a new way. My brand is still evolving and that is fine, till you find what works. For starting up you might not make a lot of profit and that is fine, if you have a long term plan. Might being the keyword, it honestly is not the case for some people. Social capital is a huge determining factor. You want people to notice you and experience your brand once you have that you can start to mark up, those who know your value will stay. Do not take on more than you can handle, it will affect your quality of work and it will mess with you. Activity is not productivity, prioritize things. Learn when to say noAbout staying true to your style I honestly will say you decide that. Nothing wrong in letting other things influence your style. The idea of a business is making money, i also understand that carving a niche is important but if its not working you might need to tweak it till it works.

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