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States, Societies, and the face of Lagosian Residen....
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My biggest advice to women starting out their careers in tech is to be confident. Often times, I feel that women are discouraged from pursuing highly technical careers because of male dominance or the lack of confidence in their ability to make it happen. One thing that I've realized is that men are not better at women inherently at programming. Removing humility for a moment, I'm probably better than the majority of men in my program at software development. This is because of the confidence that my family and mentors have instilled in me along the way that has allowed me to push through the difficult situations, including failing classes, internship/scholarship/fellowship rejections, and the general abuse that is almost unavoidable as a woman in this field, while developing my skills to a professional level. My other big piece of advice is to understand that tech is difficult for the majority of people, and to find a community of supporters in your early days. When I first began programming academically 10 years ago, it was nothing like I had ever done before - I had a little experience with web programming and computer architecture, but let me tell you, that introductory C programming course made me cry on several occasions. I actually vowed at one point to never program again. However, I had a community of women around me in computer science and other engineering fields, and they really built me up, helping me learn the concepts in ways that made sense to me, reviewing my problem sets for bugs that I wouldn't have noticed, and giving me confidence that I probably had no business having with my skill level at the time. I wouldn't have had the balls to take some of the risks that I did without the confidence they instilled in me.;It is so important to find a community, and they do exist outside of academia. For example, baddies in tech is a community I'm part of that is provides to support, recruitment and mentorship for black women in their early tech careers.

Ifueko Igbinedion
Doctoral Student @ MIT
To your first question, I believe they somewhat already have. If you look purely at the numbers, I believe they already lead the world in newly published AI research or are quite close to that. In my opinion, its because the K-12 education system is much more tech focused there, and until the US competes at that level of education as well (which seems somewhat unlikely, considering the state of public education in the US government), we will surely be not just outpaced, but completely dominated in the next few decades. Also at the doctoral level at many Ivy+ schools, almost half of PhDs in tech come from international students, so you can draw whatever conclusions you'd like from that.To your second question, none of them. They will likely purchase another company doing such h things. One thing that we have to realize is that cutting-edge B2C AI generally doesn't usually make money in short term timelines. Companies that do often end up being unicorns or acquired by one. If you were to take a look at how FAANG companies make the majority of their money, I would bet a lot of money that its not the jaw dropping consumer AI systems. From the B2B sense, however, probably Amazon, as they dominate the B2B computing market already.The third question: hard work rarely yields personal financial success. This may be a jaded opinion, but the majority of wealth made in the US isn't made by the hard work of the person who benefits. The most profound book that I've read in the past year is a book of poetry, called the sun and her flowers, by Rupi Kaur. For me, poetry helps me find solace and meaning, and speaks when I cannot come up with words myself. Lastly, the startup that excites me the most is the one I'm working on in secret.

Ifueko Igbinedion
Doctoral Student @ MIT
I think that often times people assume that one's identity as a black women is by default interwoven into one's academic experiences, and while that may true, I never believed that the marginalization I face based on my identity meant that there was something I could not achieve. Quite frankly, someones racism or sexism towards me is their own problem, and over time I've become immune to it. Additionally I believe the glass ceiling is a metaphor people put on us that inadvertently gives some people imposter syndrome. To me, there are no glass ceilings. I know that if I'm able to build technology solve problems for many people, and advocate for myself while doing it, I'll be able to have whatever impact I want on the world and gain recognition for doing it. Obviously I've faced misogynior in academia, and you'd be hard pressed to find any black woman at an institution with billions of dollars at their disposal to to have been shielded from that. But numbers can't be denied, and when you walk into interviews, proposals or pitches with compelling data, concise arguments and confidence, it's often hard to be ignored. That being said, we have to acknowledge that there are very few people in general in this field. Our lack of representation as black women doesn't mean that we aren't capable, just that we haven't been shown what we can do. Consequently I believe that helping others see their potential is the greatest way I can share and create value with my knowledge, whether that be through building human-centric technology that focuses on bringing value to a user personally, or inspiring others to see their own skill solve important problems themselves.

Ifueko Igbinedion
Doctoral Student @ MIT
Thank you so much Tobi for that question and thanks for this great work and platform.Yes, I agree with those current challenges you highlighted. And like you shared, this sums it up "The system also is very porous." My two cents will be that;1. Regulatory bodies should synergise and stop the blame-game, hate-strife rivalries.There's a lot of home-keeping to be done there.For example, imagine a CORBON, COREN, ESVARBON, TOPREC, ARCON... working together in harmony? Imagine how that will positively influence the construction industry;Imagine swift registration of professionals and massive public enlightenment on the value/worth of professional services;Imagine a well-regulated curriculum with 21st-century realities in each of the professional fields?Also is the need for2. Regulation of the Informal sectors in the Construction IndustrySkilled trades and vocations such as carpentry, tiling, ironmongery, etc need lots of support and regulation so society values their worth and they are also well remunerated. Imagine a regulatory body for tilers and then a tiler upon training is certified with code of conduct, ethics etc as it obtains for the professional fields. That's part of the difference between the 1st world and the 3rd world, all fields and skilled trades are well regulated, monitored and rewarded whether it's SSCE, OND, HND, BSc/BEng/BTech/MSc/PhD a person has.Until we come to the point where we see the services of each one as 'complementation' and not 'competition,' the challenges may persist. A tiler is as valuable and good as a Lawyer although one is a vocation/skilled trade and the other, a profession. I shared more on this in my book the career leader, talking about the career model. The audiobook is accessible here https://selar.co/thecareerleader

Dr. Abraham Owoseni
Educator @ Covenant University
I think my point of view is on the contrary because the African Commission does not make pronouncements on cases that are not brought before it. There is a proper legal framework in place on how cases can be brought before the commission. Cases are usually brought to the Commission by those who are directly affected by the relevant violation of their rights . However under certain circumstances it may be preferable to involve NGOs in a representative capacity. Nevertheless, there are different regional courts that have different standing provisions in this regard . But as for the ACHPR , all NGOs are permitted to file communications contrary to the African Court which limits this to NGOs with AU observer status . For instance in your Ugandan internet shut down case , NGOs are in a better place to act as whistle blowers because they are better placed to lobby and engage in advocacy campaigns and able to reach a wider audience. For instance where there may be fear of reprisals for instituting an action against the state , NGOs may be better placed to bear the brunt of such reprisals , NGOs may equally have expert knowledge, including technical and technological knowledge which are pertinent to digital rights cases. Just like in the "Federation of African Journalists"; a combination of institutional and individual approach can be an effective remedy towards such cases on internet shut down .

Dr Arrey Collins
Human Rights & Humanitarian Lawyer @ Avocats Sans Frontieres Humanitaires du Cameroun
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