Bolanlejesu Akinola Writer @ Medium, Substack ...
city Dublin, Ireland
In Literature, Writing and Blogging 1 min read
A love letter
<p>Best in love<br></p><p>You make love so easy</p><p>I see your sincerity</p><p>It's the pureness of your heart</p><p>The integrity of your spirit</p><p>Your humble mind</p><p>How can I resist you?</p><p><br></p><p>Best in grace</p><p>My lord, you keep me queening</p><p>Do as you like, you've made me plump</p><p>I have sat beautifying your palace</p><p>We've built the four walls of the city</p><p>Men are humbled at it's gate</p><p><br></p><p>Best in might</p><p>I haven't seen strength so wild yet so soft</p><p>You carry me easy and swiftly&nbsp;</p><p>I have learnt power from you because I have seen it in you&nbsp;</p><p><br></p><p>Best in choice</p><p>You are too wise</p><p>You pick your words with grace just like you chose me</p><p>You won't leave me the same way</p><p>I am always better because you chose me</p><p><br></p>
A love letter
By Bolanlejesu Akinola
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