Godwin Erite Senior Project Executive @ FieldConnect
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Career and Jobs 2 min read
Even Giants Were Born Babies
<p>As I sit here, lost in thought, a simple yet profound truth echoes: “Even giants were born babies.” It's a simple truth that carries profound meaning.&nbsp;</p><p>In the corporate world, we often see survivors, blame-seekers, and dreamers, each pushing their narratives. But this isn't about categorizing people; it's about recognizing the invisible giants among us.</p><p>They quietly sit at the edges of our meetings, sipping on their coffee, listening intently to those they hold in high esteem, and gazing at their heads of department, their CEOs, marveling at these figures who, in their eyes, are nothing short of giants. But here’s something crucial to remember: these giants were once just like you curious, driven by a vision, and fueled by the same hunger to dream big and push boundaries. They too were once sitting quietly, thinking and wondering, until their curiosity and determination led them to become the intrapreneurs and entrepreneurs you see today.</p><p>These giants, those towering figures in the business world, were once the ones sitting, thinking, and dreaming, just like you are now. They started with nothing, were given nothing, and had to earn every step of their journey. Like babies, they were born empty, yet filled with the potential to grow into something extraordinary.</p><p>And what about those born into wealth? You may ask</p><p>Even they must carve out their path, build their reputation, and prove their worth in a way that goes beyond mere inheritance. They may have a head start, but they too must learn to stand on their own.</p><p>So, the next time you find yourself in the presence of a colossus, a giant wielding influence, remember this:&nbsp;</p><p>“Even giants were once babies”.&nbsp;</p><p>Just as adults were once children who learned to crawl, and walk before they could run, you too are on that same path.&nbsp;</p><p>Your potential is vast, your future unwritten, and your dreams within reach. Keep moving forward, and one day, you'll stand tall as a giant in your own right.</p>
Even Giants Were Born Babies
By Godwin Erite
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