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Godwin Erite Project Manager @ Acceler8ed Marketing Services
city Lagos, Nigeria
In Philosophy 2 min read
The Effect of True Knowledge
<p>True knowledge often reveals not how much we know or are aware of but how much more there is to uncover. It’s like standing at the edge of what you believed was the finish line, only to discover an ocean stretching out before you. Nowhere is this more evident than in the profound study of the Bible, the ultimate source of divine truth. This is also true in careers, and careers are mixed up with education.</p><p>Reading the Bible can be both enlightening and humbling. You start with the basics of stories, parables, and commandments, but as you dig deeper, the gaps in your understanding widen. So many questions are bubbling up, and curiosity is overwhelmed, as each verse leaves you to wonder and ponder around in search of a destination. The more you know, the more you’re drawn to explore the depths of God’s wisdom, yet you can never truly exhaust it. Is this the beauty of knowledge? </p><p>This same principle applies to research too as there’s no groundbreaking discovery without revealing an even greater mystery. Scientists find cures, only to encounter more complex diseases. Historians unearth artifacts, only to wonder about what remains buried. This thirst for knowledge fuels innovation and keeps humanity moving forward. But it also keeps us humble, reminding us that there’s always a gap between what we think we know and what truly is. </p><p>Consider this in your career or personal growth. Perhaps you started a job, believing it would lead to mastery, stability, or purpose. You work hard, achieve milestones, and feel ready for the next big thing until the demands of the next level reveal just how much you are yet to learn. The line you saw transforms into an endless horizon. Suddenly, the comfortable pond where you were a big fish has turned into a river, and as you grow into a shark, the river empties into an ocean. And here, in the vast expanse, you realize there’s no getting bigger than the ocean, even the largest whale is still dwarfed by the ocean, the ultimate domain of God. </p><p>The beauty of this endless pursuit lies in its humbling truth: no matter how much we grow, the journey never ends. Instead of chasing the illusion of “arrival,” we embrace the process of becoming. Whether you’re studying scripture, advancing in your career, or simply striving to be better, the gaps you notice are not failures but invitations to keep growing. </p><p>True knowledge teaches us this: life isn’t about conquering the ocean but learning to navigate it, trusting the One who holds it all in His hands. Let that realization fuel your curiosity, your determination, and your faith as you continue to swim forward. </p><p>Without this you will drown in the vastness of the ocean called emptiness, as beautiful as knowledge seems, there’s darkness hidden within.</p><p>I’m not a talker, I’m just a curious writer.</p>
The Effect of True Knowledge
By Godwin Erite
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