Bolanlejesu Akinola Writer @ Medium, Substack ...
city Dublin, Ireland
In Literature, Writing and Blogging 1 min read
What will you write?
If you were asked to write about your day, what will you write? If you were asked to speak about your day, what will you say? Will you let the day win or you would bring in the past into your words? Will you let the future win, will you hope? Will you let your words flow, will you heave a sigh? Will you be happy or sad? Stressed or done? If you were asked about today, Will you cry? Will you say what somebody said to you…that hurt you or encouraged you? Will you laugh? Will you get angry, will you boil? What will you say? Would you just say ‘fine’—Like you always do. What will you write?
What will you write?
By Bolanlejesu Akinola
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