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In Health, Safety and Environment 1 min read
<span class="html-content"> <p>While we have been experiencing flood at the moment in different parts of the world, fire is something we cannot overlook.. Let's ride!!!!</p> <p>Fire like we all know is a friend and also one of the valuable elements that sustains life. Fire is used for cooking, warming and in industries for production. However, fire could be dangerous if not handled with care.&nbsp;</p><p>Fire is an EXOTHERMIC reaction which is generally a violent oxidation involving three substances. Air (Oxygen) Combustible (Fuel) Heat (Igniter) These three elements are called the "Fire Triangle". Recently, a fourth element was introduced and it is known as "Combination Chain Reaction". This process can be promoted or retarded by the presence of certain substances in the combustion processes. Causes of fire could be Accident, Ignorance, Carelessness and Arson.&nbsp;</p><p>Classes of Fire:&nbsp;</p><p>This classification is based on the type of fuel involved in the combustion..&nbsp;</p><p>There are four known classes of Fire:&nbsp;</p><p>Class A: Fire that involves wood, paper, rubbish, animal (human) body.&nbsp;</p><p>Class B: Fire that involves liquids or liquefiable fuel such as petrol, oil, paint, kerosene, alcohol.&nbsp;</p><p>Class C: Fire involving gases such as methane, buthane, propane, hydrogen.&nbsp;</p><p>Class D: Fire involving Metals such as magnesium, lithium, sodium.</p> <p>Understanding Fire protection and Protection measures:</p> <p>To be contd.</p> </span>

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